干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站

标题: 求助几本电子书 [打印本页]

作者: dongdegushi    时间: 2010-4-2 17:22     标题: 求助几本电子书

1.Handbook of Forensic Services-(Revised 2007)Editor: Kim Waggoner9 K7 ^) E/ N6 H5 f
Editorial Assistant: Kathryn H. Suchma  ^) I- s) M1 H, g, G1 O
Graphic Design: Sandra D. Holliday
3 E1 I! u; X' i  c5 IAn FBI Laboratory Publication. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Quantico, Virginia.
+ d) d/ u/ D+ W- R3 AISBN 978-0-16-079376-9" E* n$ u0 Z3 I# G( s
2.The Forensic Laboratory Handbook Procedures and Practice
' t1 L2 b# [- |2 k4 U; S; q" L0 ^4 Z1 UEdited by Ashraf Mozayani, PharmD, PhD, D-ABFT
2 }. I" [" R' t* N: k; PHarris County Medical Examiner's Office Houston, TX# O3 Q- N5 t/ N( `. z( ^
Carla Noziglia, MS
0 k2 x. e: Y) I3 g2 z, t5 R% bForensic Scientist Coral Springs, FL and Senior Forensic Advisor Tanzania, Africa
# ?, i2 F6 d. X: Q© 2006 Humana Press Inc.
5 y: B/ `! M! \4 s/ _0 n999 Riverview Drive, Suite 208
6 X" `5 S' `3 v: K- ]0 I8 _" }Totowa, New Jersey 07512, 2006
4 b  j1 U' ~' \5 B& D8 n" w3.Forensic Pathology Reviews, Volume 16 q! w) W, |, M1 ~
By Michael Tsokos2 B# G  X$ ~8 {2 E, g
Publisher: Humana Press
% e. m' ~+ K- }6 d1 C( l1 ~Number Of Pages: 384
0 p1 ~+ F  T* G7 dPublication Date: 2004-04-21
- Q3 ?0 }8 g9 G9 i7 ~ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1588294145
8 }& @8 r) E2 o& z6 |& x' WISBN-13 / EAN: 9781588294142
+ P, [& y$ R6 m! Z4 x' nBinding: Hardcover ( Q5 z$ e9 Y' t$ }1 m$ z8 ~
Book Description: 6 ]; S! ~' K6 O
A collection of cutting-edge reviews of many of the key recent medical and legal advances in forensic scienceforensicpathology of burned bodies, traumatic brain injury, death by drug abuse, sudden cardiac death, sudden infant death and neonaticide, and fatalities resulting from kicking and trampling. Other areas of interest include accidental autoerotic deaths, hypothermia fatalities, injuries from resuscitation procedures, the interpretation of alcohol levels in different specimens, and the potential forensic differential diagnoses and interpretation of iliopsoas muscle hemorrhage in the light of autopsy. routine, as well as on specific pathological conditions rarely seen in the autopsy room. Complementing rather than replacing the classic textbooks in forensic pathology, the authors explore new avenues for analyzing the . These critical surveys concentrate on common pathological entities likely to be encountered in daily.. \0 X1 f* q+ m3 T
4.sic Approaches to Death, Disaster and Abuse - 2008
. |* Q# B2 n) F- I2 i: I; MDescription
+ R( h1 \% b8 B: ?How are forensic investigations conducted? What are the latest techniques in forensic methods? This book provides a comprehensive resource for the study of forensic science and its approaches to the investigation of death, disaster, and abuse. It draws together scientists and practitioners from the Asia–Pacific region with a range of specialties to provide understanding ofhow their various approaches and processes in forensic investigation contribute to a successful outcome.; T0 p* ~0 W$ |9 c+ D( K) v7 r! o
# Publisher: Australian Academic Press
# u: C0 L& ~/ Q6 r, ]' \/ p% g# Language: English
( G( \( C! z% Y( k! z' w5 M# Pages: 330
- L7 H- ^+ J/ v# Binding: Paperback# e1 t  Y! Y0 d; j2 r5 x% |% Y$ M
# ISBN-10: 1875378901
7 N8 T- ~& I, D% K" I5.
作者: cz200203    时间: 2010-4-15 19:20

本帖最后由 细胞海洋 于 2010-4-15 20:28 编辑
) X+ l% O( V/ B8 T. g6 R9 j; @1 m9 ^# X( T
第一、第二本在这儿。" O1 z1 S  j7 J8 b( ~% k& ?
" C, x& l/ H5 H, p. D" {" N8 Z[attach]5839[/attach]/ R9 O- E4 b- M/ X' a
6 w+ |: ?. |8 W- o

作者: cyxy2005    时间: 2010-4-15 21:18

本帖最后由 细胞海洋 于 2010-4-15 22:03 编辑 8 e, y& ?1 |: j+ g9 c
9 L: O# I/ }/ V" I9 K
2 G, b7 \0 k! f3 }
作者: ddys    时间: 2010-4-15 21:29

回复 2# cz200203
: A: I% ~5 `/ p+ W" T9 R1 `& l; r5 g# V% j) d5 F/ y: P

8 }+ k8 y% [8 g1 E9 p% t% E    look,thanks
作者: chpcn    时间: 2010-4-15 22:01

kan kan
作者: dongdegushi    时间: 2010-4-15 22:24

作者: botizhou    时间: 2010-4-16 13:52

作者: dahui    时间: 2010-4-16 14:39

作者: libingnan11    时间: 2010-4-16 19:05

作者: cz200203    时间: 2010-4-21 22:05

本帖最后由 cz200203 于 2010-4-21 22:09 编辑
' a. [8 j; r9 i- o
* `. p; c( e& R# W* ~. x第4本是这本吧?给你个连接自已下吧。
) x: u* `/ i& [: {
' p: J. W% f/ i- c% i/ nhttp://ifile.it/8a02tkm/1875378901.zip1 r' i1 ?: v' X* T; v6 h9 p

, v; c4 M) u6 Q第5本想要什么你自已也没搞明白吧,哈哈。
作者: czzhaozhu    时间: 2010-4-22 10:51

作者: lifescience1    时间: 2010-4-22 15:35

回复 10# cz200203 6 b+ m6 k% A( }- j: ]
/ P5 i6 q2 j- e5 y: j4 E+ c
作者: jhu132llh    时间: 2010-4-22 18:23

作者: cz200203    时间: 2010-4-22 23:54

本帖最后由 cz200203 于 2010-4-22 23:56 编辑 : H: ]  r9 P, f3 T

2 P# |7 `: q" b5 s& Z# I$ w这帖还放在未解决求助类里,看来版主也想等上传第5本啊。
作者: oldmac7    时间: 2010-4-23 15:09


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