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标题: 求助Profiling of DNA replication timing in unsynchronized cell populations [打印本页]

作者: wxl87    时间: 2012-5-15 16:53     标题: 求助Profiling of DNA replication timing in unsynchronized cell populations

本帖最后由 wxl87 于 2012-5-15 16:54 编辑
/ Z/ r) g6 k/ y' D$ W( T% w
! u" L9 |( U1 z这是一篇nature protocol:Profiling of DNA replication timing in unsynchronized cell populations,比较难下载。
, {; ?' A' v3 u+ x/ h' Rhttp://www.nature.com/nprot/jour ... nprot.2006.353.html  求助中
作者: wxl87    时间: 2012-5-16 16:55

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