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楼主: hualin840518

[已解决求助] Developmental Biology, Eighth Edition   [复制链接]



发表于 2009-9-25 02:27 |只看该作者
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发表于 2009-9-25 02:27 |只看该作者
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小小研究员 优秀会员 博览群书

发表于 2009-9-25 07:32 |只看该作者

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金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2009-11-18 22:16 |只看该作者

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发表于 2009-11-19 00:18 |只看该作者
* \5 w5 P9 s" i- F网上的电子版的不知道你用得着不?

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优秀会员 热心会员 帅哥研究员 小小研究员

发表于 2010-3-4 21:05 |只看该作者
回复 1# hualin840518 4 _) F* [, x0 b, F0 [/ x; [
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金话筒 帅哥研究员 优秀版主

发表于 2010-3-5 09:15 |只看该作者
回复 15# hansey
/ z( N# R' Q5 X* I9 P; B; J; w/ Q5 s4 B4 J3 g  s/ U

3 m7 J  P# S$ [8 Y谢谢
1 K6 M0 G: d3 U' s; S* J! C有没有全书的完整版啊
' Z  ~/ Z9 O3 |- W) o这只是个书的介绍!

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-3-5 14:32 |只看该作者

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-3-7 19:18 |只看该作者
" S4 [( }( ?1 dTable of Contents2 h/ N2 v: ]+ [. |* y, `, a* i

" o& ^) n3 Z* s0 JI. Principles of Developmental Biology, v5 d% y: n" |0 V. Q7 }2 P) V
% B% `, j7 F# P$ R- `5 C/ r1 i+ U
1. Developmental biology: The anatomical tradition* q, f! F" T, U7 F, R; M
New techniques of mathematical modeling of development
" ?$ A4 [# o" I. @: Q2. Life cycles and the evolution of developmental patterns9 M) G% ?4 p" i0 f" h
Recent advances in planarian regeneration7 W$ Q+ m3 E' _4 n
3. Principles of experimental embryology! p) y% ]7 U3 F/ G* z% X
4. The genetic core of development% c8 e8 i+ v& o" w: s# D9 T1 T
5. The paradigm of differential gene expression
# f- ^& \# b! x8 cHistone modifications
" J) t& ^) x/ z1 Y. S# G/ aMicroRNAs
8 V$ Q+ J# `" n5 i: b# KPioneer transcription factors
" Y; ?9 \% U5 u+ R5 mMammalian cloning and methylation patterns9 k, W! g1 C! K& I" k
6. Cell–cell communication in development. G  U) s: Y$ L8 p& y8 H3 f
Stem cell specification and stem cell niches
' [+ X+ G6 O7 m5 tMorphogenetic regulation by cadherins
# I9 \9 ^; O/ O% Q  n3 ?Noncanonical Wnt pathways# l3 m0 Q* E, J
Dependence receptors and apoptosis8 R" O2 A3 Z" I0 R) z+ u  V6 w
Community effect and autocrine factors: w( d6 I; |" |1 ?! w$ G# T& b

9 _0 N- @/ y- b9 iII. Early Embryonic Development' D7 V* F$ |1 {* q- |7 a' ^

: w3 d2 `- M; ^6 U4 \$ b7 ~* N7. Fertilization: Beginning a new organism
) C, x' ]6 C/ o# Q5 F( \# b, YCortical granule components
6 ~* a3 V& h3 O# n# fNew mammalian sperm–egg binding model% \4 N: l* u, {
Mammalian sperm chemotaxis and thermotaxis
+ s* {" j$ r* F1 h$ K+ V: [$ W; nMechanisms of sea urchin sperm chemotaxis! P2 [' \. r/ P9 @- C  V. U
Sea urchin bindin receptor0 `3 K  C8 v" _. Y2 ?6 V# Z
Oocyte translation inhibitors and their removal. x& o# ?* T4 n! p8 M8 m9 A3 \
New hypotheses of sperm activation
* K6 [( |* @% ?Mammalian sperm–egg fusion
! O/ C( f, L" ]0 W- z) n  s8. Early development in selected invertebrates/ {7 E) t+ p% v6 p3 Q) u! a
Wnt and Nodal in sea urchin axis specification
: l0 Z& m! B5 S; V+ l2 [Coiling genetics of snail embryos$ [& o. S5 P' {4 L+ d) y
Functions of tunicate yellow crescent
+ \1 y' ?! r0 Q* p2 F  LRoles of FGFs in tunicate development
4 |! C# g* }3 B8 D+ x8 ZTunicate heart development9 ]! J2 ?& ~; ~9 s
9. The genetics of axis specification in Drosophila
0 q" D( y5 a3 C0 DFGF signals and Drosophila mesoderm formation5 G( n' M9 Z/ T; Z+ T
Transport of Nanos and Bicoid messages to opposite ends of the fly oocyte, V+ l5 Q% s% k1 E5 C! g8 Y! X
New model for gap protein stabilization
  [* o9 _1 \: F# P) k) G( [0 S10. Early development and axis formation in amphibians
  ?4 D1 Q. B- l2 H- G: u/ T$ j8 HNew models for organizer formation in Xenopus
" o  N& G* ]  z, RNew model for mesoderm specification in Xenopus) n) [) G1 ]0 `6 w. B
11. The early development of vertebrates: Fish, birds, and mammals" O2 ~' Y8 x" ~9 N! ^+ S: e
Maternal effect mutations in zebrafish
6 N4 |' x/ @! P# @# B1 g6 c3 C+ d$ UNeurulation in zebrafish9 x/ Q& i0 u: \5 h8 t% y3 p
Retinoic acid in anterior–posterior axis specification in chordates
$ M  X8 B. E" g' DCiliary movements and left–right axis specification in vertebrates
# y1 m1 I' j& r: ]8 P* E; B. mRole of Cerberus in chick head formation
$ O. F( b2 X0 q0 `- rMesoderm specification and migration in chick gastrulae
/ R3 y; K% K6 q* `/ gFGF and cell fate in chick and mammalian epiblasts
. a( E) p$ e7 WInduction of pluripotency in mammalian inner cell mass blastomeres
  r( z* P8 K5 p( m, ?; b& q  Y1 kHomeotic transformation in mammals due to total Hox paralog knockouts
/ {5 x, c' G# ^Controversy over blastocyst polarity in mammals
5 F. V3 p: C% {6 x8 I* WFolate receptors and teratogens affecting neurulation; X& x& E3 C; v3 G

5 u2 U* j7 N7 n  i1 v$ kIII. Later Embryonic Development
) `' L2 U+ Z4 Z. }' L, S2 p
( j$ t, F9 S6 n% r. a0 [12. The emergence of the ectoderm: Central nervous system and epidermis
/ J( X; X7 q9 o) y9 d0 a- i- ]Genes specifying neural fate
* {5 g: r4 l: ]$ Y# }+ T1 n6 KHuman-specific genes specifying brain growth/ |9 G8 g6 b3 f0 E9 E& y
Progressive myelination of the human brain4 H0 C! Y$ W1 ], E7 X
Neural stem cells
' k% o, F) u8 B9 b) N) o- U5 V- CEye development and blind cave salamanders
, c2 ?' H4 M0 vSkin, hair, and pigment stem cells0 C6 {6 i2 |- u1 X2 y- ^
13. Neural crest cells and axonal specificity
7 K9 Z* Y* {9 V, qNeural crest cell specification and migrations
) G  g+ j% S7 z- H7 }' s/ nHead vs. trunk neural crest specification
2 Y% ?: Q! f) u+ yNeural crest-endoderm interactions forming facial structures
  w$ f3 K" y" Q; M4 k7 V5 vPlacode specification and separation7 n9 _$ x2 F# r$ Q; ^) L8 L
Tooth development and evolution! [2 _4 B4 y" u) m
Semaphorins, Robo, and ephrins in neural patterning
! `) ^$ U: I, M; o! }3 X14. Paraxial and intermediate mesoderm
" y$ L; ]1 y! n: l' sSpecification of paraxial and intermediate mesoderm) g: w- G3 K* z! w2 N
Epithelialization of somites7 |0 L7 w% a* F+ M$ A
The syndetome—where tendons arise
7 M8 D: [! U% W  o3 zFGFs, Notch, and Wnt in somite specification and separation& c7 _' s5 Z4 a: {3 y! _
The primaxial and abaxial musculature
1 R( ~9 h0 a* q6 P$ Q& uNew sources of muscle precursor cells
+ I% N" \+ e* u  d2 J  @- WPathways of skeleton formation( D- _# A. m/ n/ a. p2 n/ H0 W
Regulating ureteric bud branching
  T9 `# @2 @! \# J: z1 q: t  lWnt and FGF proteins regulating nephron formation
& i+ P) _5 G& ^7 S1 B' }4 q15. Lateral plate mesoderm and endoderm, l3 r0 `) e: Z$ ?/ `
Cloaca formation( s9 Q: {; d2 h) A
Heart cell specification: {: e+ |2 t# s# k0 i
Tbx genes, retinoic acid and heart chamber formation% k! {% v( A8 I5 o
Heart valve development* J5 X+ c! h) S
Hematopoietic stem cells and their derivatives
8 s. p- \! K) v% YLymphatic development. g4 u7 a6 c  |/ {* w1 c7 \
Induction of arteries by neurons
8 h, Y7 U: f  a" I8 U2 D. tPlacenta as source of blood stem cells8 t  \. ]" d! M5 p6 t
Adult blood stem cell niches
; L( K: t; u8 a+ jEndoderm specificity. P( T1 X; U* ~' _5 G
Pancreas vs. liver development
) C# u  O. v3 Z6 X4 B) j/ YFate mapping pancreatic cells
9 a- }1 y, U& e# F  f+ b" d8 U16. Development of the tetrapod limb
8 N; e/ Z7 E6 D) j2 XHox code of limb development
. v# t9 f; R4 M, b* y8 g1 ^0 e) c$ ^Specification of the digits by hedgehog proteins and HoxD genes
' P7 N4 u; W1 O7 ^3 i- eControversy over digit identities in dinosaurs and birds: F6 H& ~( j/ {1 Z9 @) s6 Z
Getting limbs from fins# l# C  f7 |& Z. U7 @2 t' b
17. Sex determination# _9 _; W- A7 q7 W6 H- Q
Timing and gene expression in mammalian sex determination
* O( x  s& _; ~- x4 T$ M) EBrain sex determination pathways in vertebrates and flies
3 {( K/ P# p. D9 i- s) w) pHormone disruptors and sex determination problems, z  P* F% U$ z7 ~# ?; F
Dosage compensation and sex determination# q7 ~; H/ k. L( U% D1 ?
Temperature-dependent sex determination in turtles3 W2 P* O5 q3 i' U0 A# |
18. Metamorphosis, regeneration, and aging6 R- Q5 a  W9 n0 h, U
Molecular mechanisms of amphibian metamorphosis
8 p6 i& D6 {- z, i! k( I9 {7 ZEcdysone receptors and the response to molting hormone% ?4 M" z+ U1 P5 ?
Compartment formation in the wing imaginal disc
4 p# z$ q( l0 I1 t* M6 G/ a: EWhy can’t we regenerate our limbs?
  t/ j9 N" _- F- q, }% uNeuron- and mesenchyme-dependent stages of limb regeneration6 p3 |6 F% g3 D: w$ p4 A5 }, n
Specification of limb regions by transcription factors during regeneration4 s" f" g8 z, R9 [0 k/ o7 W  p
Mitochondrial control of aging
0 Y& l  b  s* ^* k" X8 dInsulin pathway control of aging and possible relation to oxygen radicals
- f' K  f- Z9 ], i“Ageless” animals and environmental control of aging+ d  t/ O1 A' w# L; p% p6 W
19. The saga of the germ line% U( y, }, R; t8 ^% C9 }7 m! A
Genetic specification of germ-line cells in Drosophila and vertebrates# `% D# R3 G8 X  e
Components of the Drosophila germ plasm
. N; H1 i  ~3 c7 x+ C0 T4 t" k; iEgg and sperm stem cell niches in Drosophila* p8 c" d- d. Y$ d
Migration of primordial germ cells in mammals, chicks, and flies+ D# w0 ^) w' B6 Z3 J- ]
Determination of meiosis and mitosis in C. elegans
& g! M3 A) J, O4 c# qRetaining mammalian spermatic stem cells
1 [) Y/ y2 ]; ?' [: E9 }; e/ ]" EIV. Ramifications of Developmental Biology$ B$ ]. b3 n( N6 i
20. An overview of plant development) b7 W1 R  J0 C& e8 W, Q/ o
Gamete formation and pollen tube guidance, w* ~! r, G" L( a# O6 g% B
Maternal effects and embryo development1 Z: n: e3 ?3 S: X3 j, \4 F
Radial and axial patterning
$ }+ I( ]' M" ENew model for auxin specification of polarity
8 l' o0 x6 t1 w! NRoles of microRNAs in plant development
% T3 v2 I2 o- W& `Dorsal–ventral leaf patterning
1 [) O1 J) n2 L/ ?Long-distance RNA transport and flowering2 ~; ?" P. i0 t) ]* k: M" J+ N) i+ |
Floral meristem specification
6 R8 p, \9 }0 [6 G21. Medical implications of developmental biology
3 ]5 S) e6 H+ ?8 AMechanisms of alcohol teratogenesis
6 u3 W+ N# q* q: {! w+ sEffects of endocrine disruptors on human development
9 m6 Y. f" Y( k; E) P: bNutritional effects of gene methylation and disease susceptibility- M" x& W6 e, Z$ I" @$ l
Cancer as a disease of development+ D! p) z5 d' l5 m+ T$ l& q( I
Cancer stem cell hypothesis
4 p' E2 V* K2 i  P4 ODevelopmental approaches to cancer therapy
7 N$ m& Y. `% N* B) lStem cell therapeutics+ s' x$ \; C, x) x
Regenerating human limbs and neurons2 o0 d( y/ D9 y
22. Environmental regulation of animal development
/ |. c/ F/ \) p9 h2 eMolecular bases for environmental regulation of gene expression, s0 x& J6 |- [+ o0 Z4 y- |
• Importance of symbionts in mammalian gut and immune system) N  }7 u. n+ X$ ], C, X( d. u
2 J. u( x/ U( }0 YSignaling from fetal mammalian lung to initiate labor
0 H# w3 T1 J' d* \4 kThe role of nutrition in the development of the dung beetle
2 @" s" g, y- L& @( |Predator-induced polyphenism and toxicity testing
6 q, M6 |# v6 |  xGenetic assimilation of environmentally induced traits: `0 C& u7 o6 L( B3 y, K
23. Developmental mechanisms of evolutionary change
' }& w% a$ ^: G. x0 u. Q/ \" xDevelopmental modularity and evolution (stickleback studies). H' l) }; [1 c0 f, u" x- b
Evolution by heterochrony, heterotopy, heterometry, heterotypy
( b3 h3 d0 V$ }* v) dBMPs and Darwin’s finches
7 y4 g% y! h3 `* K! u# ]Origin of neural crest cells and the origin of jaws  `/ K& X  l4 a% Z
The search for the Urbilaterian ancestor

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


金话筒 帅哥研究员 优秀版主

发表于 2010-3-8 08:24 |只看该作者
回复 19# singtom ( i. G( j& `: H
+ E# {) N* G+ D" f9 j( Y! E
* K0 g6 m6 M/ t0 {6 l
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