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公告 公告: 干细胞之家论坛提醒各位会员更新您的帐号密码!!! 细胞海洋 2011-12-28    
全局置顶 博雅控股集团:干细胞、免疫细胞自动化设备及实验室、手术室整体解决方案供应 attach_img  ...234 Boyalife 2017-8-11 303938278 randy2002 2024-3-4 11:44
全局置顶 重要通知!近期有人仿冒干细胞之家网站工作人员身份!!! 细胞海洋 2021-8-28 21173832 SKC-SFC 2022-9-13 14:14
全局置顶 博雅控股集团提供CAR-T及其他细胞生产的CDMO服务 attach_img Boyalife 2018-5-31 82116478 xph2557 2022-4-22 09:37
Essential roles of G12/13 signaling in distinct cell behaviors driving zebrafish  ...23456..28 kato 2009-3-6 277466576 小小C 半小时前
Cdc25B cooperates with Cdc25A to induce mitosis but has a unique role in activat  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 241358643 aakkaa 1 小时前
TGF-? signaling is essential for joint morphogenesis  ...23456..27 kato 2009-4-20 264506179 龙水生 1 小时前
4?1 integrin and erythropoietin mediate temporally distinct steps in erythropoie  ...23456..24 kato 2009-4-20 238429170 popobird 2 小时前
Cdc42 and Par6–PKC regulate the spatially localized association of Dlg1 and APC  ...23456..27 kato 2009-3-6 262515444 小敏 2 小时前
The yeast S phase checkpoint enables replicating chromosomes to bi-orient and re  ...23456..22 kato 2009-3-6 216346304 王者之道 2 小时前
Zinc is a novel intracellular second messenger  ...23456..24 kato 2009-4-20 237574538 分子工程师 2 小时前
Cells that express MyoD mRNA in the epiblast are stably committed to the skeleta  ...23456..26 kato 2009-4-20 256427920 www1202000 3 小时前
Dynamic ergosterol- and ceramide-rich domains in the peroxisomal membrane serve  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 249294654 www1202000 4 小时前
Microtubule binding by dynactin is required for microtubule organization but not  ...23456..26 kato 2009-4-20 256487712 HongHong 5 小时前
An enzymatic cascade of Rab5 effectors regulates phosphoinositide turnover in th  ...23456..23 kato 2009-3-6 220326047 ladybird 5 小时前
Essential role of CIB1 in regulating PAK1 activation and cell migration  ...23456..24 kato 2009-3-6 239337266 HongHong 7 小时前
Essential function of Drosophila Sec6 in apical exocytosis of epithelial photore  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 246363763 追风 8 小时前
Endocytosing the death sentence  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 246504785 石头111 8 小时前
Identification of cytoplasmic residues of Sec61p involved in ribosome binding an  ...23456..26 kato 2009-3-6 258379945 ringsing 9 小时前
Interactions of WASp, myosin-I, and verprolin with Arp2/3 complex during actin p  ...23456..27 kato 2009-3-6 268390113 xuguofeng 9 小时前
Microdomains bounded by endoplasmic reticulum segregate cell cycle calcium trans  ...23456..24 kato 2009-3-6 239359780 陈晴 9 小时前
Two electrical potential–dependent steps are required for transport by the Esche  ...23456..24 kato 2009-4-20 236471087 lalala 9 小时前
Coordinate control of axon defasciculation and myelination by laminin-2 and -8  ...23456..27 kato 2009-3-6 266430149 Kuo 10 小时前
Ablation of 1 integrin in mammary epithelium reveals a key role for integrin in  ...23456..24 kato 2009-3-6 235328542 丸子 11 小时前
Inhibition of cell movement and proliferation by cell–cell contact-induced inter  ...23456..24 kato 2009-3-6 236365253 Greatjob 11 小时前
Sox2 induction by FGF and FGFR2 activating mutations inhibits Wnt signaling and  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 249362687 石头111 11 小时前
uPA deficiency exacerbates muscular dystrophy in MDX mice  ...23456..25 kato 2009-4-20 246456130 dongmei 12 小时前
Derlin-2 and Derlin-3 are regulated by the mammalian unfolded protein response a  ...23456..26 kato 2009-4-20 257431090 apple0 13 小时前
Early encounters of a nascent membrane protein : specificity and timing of conta  ...23456..28 kato 2009-3-6 272438456 科研人 13 小时前
A novel cell response triggered by interphase centromere structural instability  ...23456..24 kato 2009-4-20 233297446 bluesuns 14 小时前
The coiled-coil membrane protein golgin-84 is a novel rab effector required for  ...23456..26 kato 2009-3-6 252398182 加菲猫 14 小时前


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