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间充质干细胞修复关节软骨缺损临床试验[挪威奥斯陆大学医院] [复制链接]

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发表于 2012-2-2 16:19 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Clinical Trial to Heal Articular Cartilage Defects- {, p9 }5 I& Q5 G! T2 j5 [5 X! p& N) }" m
This study is currently recruiting participants. 8 @  |3 Z  A  e# ^: n
Verified May 2011 by Oslo University Hospital $ [/ T4 u0 i. D7 J& @& t4 Y

- A- ?+ @' @/ h1 y( v: fFirst Received on April 17, 2009. Last Updated on June 24, 2011 History of Changes
6 O" C, Q) b2 r7 oSponsor:         Oslo University Hospital
6 X! |# A) i6 MInformation provided by:         Oslo University Hospital
% v# p3 U7 u. TClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:         NCT00885729
/ ^! Z% O( F0 d8 j3 C' ?   Purpose ! t1 v, s* @0 m' Q6 a+ W, |
The purpose of this study is to:
6 Q- ]; y9 F8 ~# Z•        Compare the treatment efficacy of autologous mesenchymal stem cells (Mesenchymal Stem Cells) versus chondrocytes implanted in a commercial available scaffold in a human clinical trial. 9 G, n. f" K- o2 H
•        Determine the effects of specific three months strength training program preoperatively to improve knee function and possible postpone the need of cartilage repair surgery. 8 z/ S$ |2 ?, \
•        Determine if degenerative changes occur in the knee joints following cartilage repair. This question will be investigated in the proposed clinical trial.
- L  a7 M' `6 E0 `9 N•        Develop a new arthroscopic technique for implantation of a cell scaffold in order to improve the surgical treatment of cartilage lesions of the knee and reduce morbidity related to surgery. " h. v2 O2 k: i6 E4 y
/ g; B$ I! ]. w- N% \# l4 T
0 ^, H# w2 U" u% DIntervention
3 @! S0 J% ~4 TPhase
0 R: y4 Z  J( i+ Z. L7 E4 |& Q/ t# _- i8 R, L* O5 T
Focal Articular Fullthickness Cartilage Defect of the Knee        Procedure: stem cells
% O' _' v( B4 c) l; Y9 ^Procedure: Chondrocytes        Phase I
+ @: E) J( B/ N  ?! o0 n( a9 z, {3 c! `- C# H
Study Type:        Interventional
7 h$ |! l/ I* Z5 l3 XStudy Design:        Allocation: Randomized
+ ?' J" K' Q. a6 M2 G+ Z8 dIntervention Model: Parallel Assignment
% g0 c* L3 w" i! z' LMasking: Single Blind (Outcomes Assessor): G; U( O' m( Q% c. c
Primary Purpose: Treatment
: ~, g) a0 B' Q/ MOfficial Title:        Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Clinical Trial to Heal Articular Cartilage Defects
- t0 b7 a% z( x# P
2 P7 r* r% Z8 G) |  t: f% w; P1 M, OFurther study details as provided by Oslo University Hospital:
" A- R$ F5 K, }7 D& {  J) w# F, F) O5 }- E+ y! e# w  S  q; x
Primary Outcome Measures:
% l& X7 [% g. ^•        Lysholm score [ Time Frame: 2018 ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
. G" S- n6 `* V4 e, d  Z3 \3 S! ~- o•        Lysholm score [ Time Frame: 2 and five years ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]4 m+ w3 ]( c" d+ ?$ G

" \( _! |6 W: F4 Q- B$ h6 QSecondary Outcome Measures:
8 D( f+ e5 w/ t+ ?- H  }: a6 V•        Radiographics [ Time Frame: Two and five years ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]; w7 @: S) {, o8 \2 F9 o7 k/ m

3 M1 J1 z. C& z* W/ ]4 `Estimated Enrollment:        502 j/ [9 e4 L! ~
Study Start Date:        April 20092 z  M9 R7 d2 z$ C2 [
Estimated Study Completion Date:        July 2018
& ~4 c+ E! q( r- a* Q4 p& x- gEstimated Primary Completion Date:        July 2011 (Final data collection date for primary outcome measure)/ b! a, `2 J) u8 C7 ?( z# V
Arms ; W2 \" A0 a1 Z: O/ S$ {
Assigned Interventions 3 b, f9 w2 M9 Z  w  x' P

+ M- H8 M' {3 W4 S* IExperimental: Stem cells + Y" d6 V0 Z8 \$ I4 F' Y
Cartilage defect are treated surgical either with chondrocytes or stem cells        Procedure: stem cells # N) \( k; }2 C7 r( Y% ^
Stem cells or chondrocytes under a commercial available membrane
9 N  Y! Y" D" t( v$ |. WProcedure: Chondrocytes
5 P3 j8 m, f4 b; D  v* OImplantation of chondrocytes
. S: l- D% L7 \+ t- a( |# uDetailed Description: 0 c- N7 {( Z; _
Musculoskeletal diseases are growing in the Norwegian population and are currently the largest group of the chronic diseases (31%). Musculoskeletal diseases are the largest cause of disability on the working part of our population (49%). The most frequent problems are rheumatism, osteoarthritis and unspecific back pain. The most common known etiology is traumatic events towards the joint. Often, the degenerative development starts with a small injury to the cartilage on weightbearing surface of the joint. This leads to changes in the surrounding cartilage, indicative of degenerative joint disease or arthrosis. When the injured area becomes larger than 2 cm2, the patients seem to experience pain. Our group has shown that 11% of patients, who underwent an arthroscopy for knee pain, had a cartilage injury on weightbearing surface with depth down to bone (grade IV) (Aroen et al.).Unfortunately, articular cartilage shows a very limited capacity of healing. Several surgical techniques have been developed to fill the cartilage defects, but so far none of them have been able to produce normal cartilage Chondrocyte implantation techniques are at date the most popular treatment, but have not demonstrated their superiority to other cartilage repair techniques. Some clinical randomised studies exist though a more thorough review of the cartilage repair methods in a study by Jakobsen and coauthors verified that no conclusion could be made considering treatment options for articular cartilage injury (Jakobsen, Engebretsen, and Slauterbeck). Although the natural history of these lesions is not finally outlined it is clear that for some patients the disruption of the cartilage surface imposes disability especially for the young athlete. The clinical studies report a significant improvement from the preoperative status although full knee function is not obtained with either of the techniques available today (Bentley et al.;Brittberg et al.;Horas et al.;Knutsen et al.). The expected Lysholm score of 80 and the standard deviation tends to be large or is not reported which illustrating the considerable variation and that full knee function is not obtained (Peterson et al.).The impact of disrupting the cartilage surface to obtain chondrocytes for culturing has not gained much attention in the clinical studies using this repair method. However it is reported that adverse effects exist as a result of this harvesting of chondrocytes for culturing (Whittaker et al.). Whittaker and coauthors observed that the harvesting of chondrocytes for cell culturing and subsequent implantation in talus resulted in a mean 15 points reduction in Lysholm score in 7 out of 10 patients. Furthermore, additional even in the best hands a mean Lysholm score of 79 are obtained for a single lesion at the femoral condyle (Peterson et al.). Even though the new scaffolds seem to reduce the rate of reoperation as a result of graft hypertrophy from 21 % to 9 %, the harvesting procedure of cartilage may still contribute to the suboptimal by this approach (Bartlett et al.;Gooding et al.). Consequently, there is a need for a better causing less morbidity when harvesting. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) represent an alternative cell source with the potential of generating hyaline cartilage without the same adverse effects. In addition with MSC more cells will be available for culturing with the potential of treatment of larger lesions possible. Furthermore, the repair potential of mesenchymal stem cells is not expected to decrease with age indicating that also the aging athlete may benefit from a procedure based on cartilage repair with this cell source (Dressler, Butler, and Boivin). The use of mesenchymal stem cell aspirate from the iliaca crest under a periosteum flap support the view that this might be an option to treat knee cartilage defects with success, although this study also has periosteum hypertrophy as a side effect in one of the patients (Slynarski, Deszczynski, and Karpinski). The beneficial effects of this therapy has also been reported in other studies both clinical and experimental ones (Takagi et al.;Wakitani et al.;Wakitani et al.;Wakitani et al.). Thus, the current project will investigate if the similar results can be obtained with mesenchymal stem cells as with chondrocytes both delivered in a commercial available scaffold in clinical trial with patients eligible for the current treatment options.
& P1 q' Y( C1 Z; r   Eligibility
* m0 J$ w+ Q0 ], x  m! \$ G6 ZAges Eligible for Study:           18 Years to 50 Years+ x) J1 u1 z8 t. C
Genders Eligible for Study:           Both
! F/ K1 y4 n1 |. b; p0 bAccepts Healthy Volunteers:           Yes' _! m! v# W3 J
& z0 L/ x- h5 M& g( U8 n& SInclusion Criteria:0 C5 Z& q, N* Y
•        Norwegian citizens , J- a( k5 |  v/ p
•        A full-thickness cartilage lesion (diameter > 15 mm, but less than 6 cm2 and Lysholm score < 75 points) located on the femoral condyle 4 \. M% f3 s9 d! Y  Y0 V+ I+ Z
Exclusion Criteria:7 N6 p- `6 i1 c+ Y
•        Patients with malignment of the knee : _+ w7 B2 {( ]+ s6 i6 b" a
•        Other knee pathology such as ACL injury or a nontreated meniscus injury will not be included in the study to avoid the impact of these knee pathologies on the final results
# K: o$ Z3 U9 F& I1 E0 I   Contacts and Locations9 K3 e8 o7 ~# f+ H- U. v
Please refer to this study by its ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT008857299 M! U4 ^, k! V% T8 M5 h
& o0 V: [; s* o
  p  t, g- W3 M1 N9 q5 e" L. LContact: Asbj&oslash;rn &Aring;r&oslash;en, MD,PhD                rasb@uus.no
# Y, a7 q( u& A/ `3 B
8 F) l/ K* V7 d  T' [, A  G+ C1 J; e$ v2 _
Locations/ A( m3 @  @( R8 a/ K. H5 S1 x; @
6 m+ h3 S, r5 \7 a: b4 ?2 }8 f- wOslo UniversityHospital-Ullevaal        Recruiting
% y2 g, G7 E! Z# F- LOslo, Norway, 0481 ( V! q" s1 m5 @2 h$ V6 x
Contact: Asbj&oslash;rn &Aring;r&oslash;en, MD,PhD     22118080     rasb@uus.no     
: {; H. M$ b) W/ F9 r& `
! \1 ~! c7 m( mContact: Sverre Loken, MD     22118080         
- P3 k) t( f4 k. [. {. U1 L. DPrincipal Investigator: Asbj&oslash;rn &Aring;r&oslash;en, MD,PhD             9 i' n% T3 Y3 l- L5 p. C
Sponsors and Collaborators
( I  A1 D1 D$ Z8 W5 iOslo University Hospital6 J/ o# g; p6 B. _7 n5 ?
Investigators) O& c0 i! F( z$ @. ?3 v5 x
Study Chair:        Lars Engebretsen, MD,PhD        Professor) F, e+ L6 q0 `2 f; p! e! N
   More Information + n1 G1 a8 `7 M6 Q
% U; A3 Z, Y$ H$ n* J
No publications provided
2 P  C4 x+ y5 E3 W( [Responsible Party:        Asbj&oslash;rn &Aring;r&oslash;en, Oslo University Hospital: J! N* c! _0 z0 }- f( V
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:        NCT00885729     History of Changes
+ v7 O" j2 s4 `5 F8 r! a: h. D4 J# c: H7 j( H. k  T0 K5 H
Other Study ID Numbers:        S-0738c 2009( c& n' B; _& Y2 l) }! W+ c0 s, }  I7 m+ |
Study First Received:        April 17, 2009
6 G! S# [* I5 D/ a* m/ bLast Updated:        June 24, 20111 L+ ~+ z/ e1 B3 U3 L+ \! V  t
Health Authority:        Norway: The National Committees for Research Ethics in Norway& ]% F3 S- d' ^' O
+ `4 ]8 |. ?  r. ~4 g# O. Y1 `! A
Keywords provided by Oslo University Hospital:
0 h+ K+ A6 B1 r% C1 n8 L2 @$ w  O% R9 lCartilage defect
) k3 ^2 I* E2 h7 W( z8 Pchondrocytes
4 X* Q  J9 X  p* R7 c' w$ ~# Amesenchymal stem cells (MSC)! h" [! y" `: S6 d  E8 }" B3 x
femoral condyle
2 h& U/ |* A% M1 W9 j# M+ Dknee5 V& ^4 d+ w# w" E4 a4 |& H
* x. v; M. Q% W5 c/ @7 K0 d7 B; U
ClinicalTrials.gov processed this record on January 31, 2012+ Q3 f4 ?& \# I+ V! m
) I- U$ G! J; ^- X" e, Z9 t1 W# _. c. |/ Q
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