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哺乳动物体细胞核移植研究进展 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2009-11-23 10:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
于 洋,王 柳*,周 琪* ) O; `9 i, b6 W
7 `% |* v/ C. h7 M  v: @6 b$ g, l
0 U, \) g6 r2 ^摘 要:体细胞核移植技术已经在基础研究领域与产业化应用领域体现出了重要的价值,因而体细胞核移植技术及其相关研究已经成为了生物领域的持续性研究热点,但是围绕体细胞核移植技术仍然存在许多质疑,其中最主要的就是体细胞核移植的效率较低。尽管如此,体细胞核移植研究仍然在近年来取得了令人瞩目的成就,包括小鼠与恒河猴核移植胚胎干细胞系的建立。该文就体细胞核移植的研究历史与进展进行简要的论述,同时针对体细胞核移植研究中的细胞重编程与治疗性克隆研究中的发展与问题进行剖析,希望能够积极推动治疗性克隆的研究进展,加速核移植与干细胞技术在产业化领域中的应用。
) K- m8 x% l- p$ ]4 M
0 f" K9 `$ m  z5 e关键词:干细胞;体细胞核移植;重编程;治疗性克隆;胚胎干细胞! z5 d8 d: {8 {
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中图分类号:Q813  文献标识码:A( q/ u" b. m' d# ^  @2 `& H+ F  e

  m$ o% R5 G; q% y1 i" l5 | 2 w  {  ?9 Y5 @" {2 I" W
9 s6 {$ }4 W2 J: q* i& E3 H: OSomatic cell nuclear transfer in mammals: history, progress and perspectives
! Q- V( q" F& F7 i2 o% M+ W6 c; h8 @YU Yang, WANG Liu*, ZHOU Qi*
' Z" c2 h/ |) T$ l) V4 X  d(State Key Laboratory of Reproductive Biology, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100101, China)  
5 n3 Z3 r" E0 P* _. i# K% P8 \# c/ z   p3 x0 {6 T$ ?& h2 o
Abstract:Somatic cell nuclear transfer technology has tremendous potential in basic research and applications. Related studies are still a durative focus in the field of biology and medicine, however the wide use of this technology is usually limited by its low efficiency. In spite of these concerns, important progress have been made recently using somatic cell nuclear transfer technology, including the birth of 13 cloned mammals and the derivation of embryonic stem cell lines from mouse and monkey. Here we would like to give an overview of the historic studies and new advances, and elucidate the perspectives of cell reprogramming and therapeutic cloning by nuclear transfer. And this will promote and facilitate the study of therapeutic cloning in human, and accelerate the applications of somatic cell nuclear transfer and embryonic stem cells technologies.
. k6 y9 m3 K4 V8 X$ EKey words: stem cell; somatic cell nuclear transfer; reprogramming; therapeutic cloning; embryonic stem cells
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