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标题: 首次用干细胞成功修复大脑皮层 [打印本页]

作者: zxmflying    时间: 2015-3-13 16:21     标题: 首次用干细胞成功修复大脑皮层

时间:2015年3月13日 来源:生物通
. T7 K7 C6 F( z# _* g# q# [生物通报道:最近,由法国普瓦捷大学实验和临床神经科学实验室Afsaneh Gaillard带领的一个研究小组,与布鲁塞尔人类和分子生物学跨学科研究所(IRIBHM)合作,在细胞治疗领域获得了一项重要进步:使用来源于胚胎干细胞的皮层神经元移植,来修复成年小鼠的大脑皮层的。这些研究结果已经发表在三月四日的《神经元》杂志(Neuron)。- T; ?. c1 [4 \: V
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修复大脑的一个主要挑战是,从相应的皮层和区域获得皮层神经元,以一种特定的方式恢复受损的皮质通路。$ q' ^( @$ ?- W

4 @; g! v: ^4 L0 @0 p( ~Afsaneh Gaillard研究小组和人类生物学和分子生物学的跨学科研究所Pierre Vanderhaeghen使用小鼠所获得的结果首次表明,多能性干细胞分化的神经元,能够重建受损的成年大脑回路,无论是神经解剖学和还是功能性。( h" _( E- a6 x: r

0 ]* H% ^  a1 j7 Y1 B2 H这些结果还表明,受损的回路只能通过使用跟损伤区域神经元相同类型的神经元而得以恢复。本研究是适用于大脑皮层细胞疗法发展的一个重要步骤。
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# ]3 ?  L# s: x1 f$ D+ @7 W& W然而,这种方法还处在实验阶段(只在实验室小鼠)。在人类中有任何临床应用之前还需要进行大量的研究。尽管如此,研究人员解释说:“我们的细胞工程实验的成功,使人们有可能以一种可控和无限的方式生产神经细胞,并将其移植,这在世界上尚属首次。这些研究为修复受损大脑,特别是中风或脑外伤之后的脑损伤,开辟了新的途径。”' T/ j  T. V- e3 T7 r" t6 K

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生物通推荐原文摘要:3 f" r3 a) K6 }0 v, J% w
Area-Specific Reestablishment of Damaged Circuits in the Adult Cerebral Cortex by Cortical Neurons Derived from Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells/ A, x! t8 B. |5 H
Summary: Pluripotent stem-cell-derived neurons constitute an attractive source for replacement therapies, but their utility remains unclear for cortical diseases. Here, we show that neurons of visual cortex identity, differentiated in vitro from mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs), can be transplanted successfully following a lesion of the adult mouse visual cortex. Reestablishment of the damaged pathways included long-range and reciprocal axonal projections and synaptic connections with targets of the damaged cortex. Electrophysiological recordings revealed that some grafted neurons were functional and responsive to visual stimuli. No significant integration was observed following grafting of the same neurons in motor cortex, or transplantation of embryonic motor cortex in visual cortex, indicating that successful transplantation required a match in the areal identity of grafted and lesioned neurons. These findings demonstrate that transplantation of mouse ESC-derived neurons of appropriate cortical areal identity can contribute to the reconstruction of an adult damaged cortical circuit.

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