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[干细胞与细胞生物学类] PDF电子书:Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology 2007年完整版     [复制链接]

Rank: 4


优秀会员 精华勋章 小小研究员 美女研究员 博览群书 帅哥研究员 积极份子

发表于 2011-3-8 16:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
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/ L- l- i$ x( p0 J$ ^+ S! N  p1 g; P
Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology 2007年完整版 1451页
% y1 \% l, P% G8 w* H- U& _( P3 i: A: I4 p5 `2 E  U) S) v/ R: p
Online ISBN:9780470151808( c- ~2 @3 @! C% f. j7 t2 B
DOI: 10.1002/9780470151808
  ]2 u0 Y3 m8 F5 A$ y) ?) gTable of Contents, k$ [+ y4 O) ?
1. Foreword
. ^2 b% L$ q! u& T0 Z6 E6 W5 k% K2. Preface
! u/ F' N3 X. A7 o' Q5 R3. Chapter 1 Embryonic and Extraembryonic Stem Cells
. [1 ^6 m# c$ |9 N1 B3 b1. Section A Isolation of Embryonic Stem Cells9 u! `8 U5 n& {3 r( U
1. Introduction" L0 {+ q; v& Y
2. Unit 1A.1 Derivation and Characterization of Nonhuman Primate Embryonic Stem Cells! |2 c( N2 u9 ^$ v9 J( }
3. Unit 1A.2 Derivation of hESC from Intact Blastocysts
( H5 C- Z% ?7 n+ R4. Unit 1A.3 Reprogramming Primordial Germ Cells (PGC) to Embryonic Germ (EG) Cells9 }1 i# X( n6 O: B% ]( v0 u5 c& D0 p: Z
5. Unit 1A.4 Derivation and Propagation of hESC Under a Therapeutic Environment
5 C5 Y$ |6 ^) j2. Section B Characterization of Embryonic Stem Cells+ C# C& W9 F3 ~8 Z$ F: y6 J3 }
1. Unit 1B.1 Proteomic Analysis of Pluripotent Stem Cells9 t3 n0 n- I; i% v0 u
2. Unit 1B.2 Gene Expression Analysis of RNA Purified from Embryonic Stem Cells and
; r$ K( ?) j+ O/ |, N  M: FEmbryoid Body–Derived Cells Using a High-Throughput Microarray Platform
4 ?- j$ d' \6 y7 V7 q3. Unit 1B.3 Phenotypic Analysis of Human Embryonic Stem Cells$ a7 ~. M: H$ B6 `2 k! q8 o, Q
4. Unit 1B.4 Isolation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell–Derived Teratomas for the Assessment of
* d# t3 [4 ]9 K4 T$ s, EPluripotency
6 |2 u; v: v9 Z9 k1 |0 C# x5. Unit 1B.5 Tandem Affinity Purification of Protein Complexes in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
) q, }, C% p  M) S% ?8 W5 SUsing In Vivo Biotinylation" J4 K9 J9 b7 F' G, m
6. Unit 1B.6 Characterization of X-Chromosome Inactivation Status in Human Pluripotent Stem2 s- V+ w4 T2 z6 U
# i# s* [0 f: M7. Unit 1B.7 Preparation of Defined Human Embryonic Stem Cell Populations for Transcriptional9 L6 E( M% X9 z  G) e
Profiling+ w$ y+ C; }$ @9 E, m5 I: t6 U3 G
3. Section C Culture and Maintenance of Undifferentiated Embryonic Stem Cells
1 a9 r2 x- ~  S0 |  L1. Introduction) o$ l0 A/ O3 P* \8 C$ Q0 W
2. Unit 1C.1 Expansion of Human Embryonic Stem Cells In Vitro
* H1 ?' f% `+ Z' ]+ `& V3. Unit 1C.2 Defined, Feeder-Independent Medium for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Culture: A' {. a+ @4 o- q# E! P
4. Unit 1C.3 Isolation and Propagation of Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts and Preparation of7 g; Y* n4 e1 X0 H3 k6 P
Mouse Embryonic Feeder Layer Cells/ m3 U; L' O7 _* `. H7 @( h# Z( C
5. Unit 1C.4 Culture of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
: X, C' q3 w8 |# l6. Unit 1C.5 Preparation of Autogenic Human Feeder Cells for Growth of Human Embryonic
) y2 o7 w) R1 o" L* E) C9 n9 ]/ `3 vStem Cells
9 h# _8 o8 L+ I( d: i3 r2 F7. Unit 1C.6 Isolation of Human Placental Fibroblasts/ V& e0 a0 [; H# m2 E7 Q$ a
8. Unit 1C.7 Derivation of Human Skin Fibroblast Lines for Feeder Cells of Human Embryonic
9 _' M! Q2 B) KStem Cells
" ?9 W! q' @, R3 C! l) O+ P0 p9. Unit 1C.8 Cryopreservation of Dissociated Human Embryonic Stem Cells in the Presence of: X0 N1 a% `. d+ x4 v# v" {
ROCK Inhibitor9 W0 k4 C( R7 a) {" c
10. Unit 1C.9 Authentication and Banking of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
+ f2 ~5 E9 {& m2 P11. Unit 1C.10 Clump Passaging and Expansion of Human Embryonic and Induced Pluripotent
, s; q4 V% d& N* Y3 I, _2 q6 wStem Cells on Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast Feeder Cells
0 M1 N5 h/ [) |/ }' A, J0 W7 @12. Unit 1C.11 Expansion of Human Embryonic Stem Cells on Cellulose Microcarriers/ W# S) u+ a+ c. m' E
4. Section D Germ Layer Induction/Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells8 V3 R, Q1 H0 v. f8 D/ l+ g- \! r
1. Unit 1D.1 Germ Layer Induction in ESC—Following the Vertebrate Roadmap; p& x% E2 G6 ]6 H1 q! z
2. Unit 1D.2 Formation and Hematopoietic Differentiation of Human Embryoid Bodies by
: t" Q+ t! v  W. }6 LSuspension and Hanging Drop Cultures
3 v8 l/ b0 g& Z0 I3 m* K8 m3. Unit 1D.3 Directed Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells as Spin Embryoid Bodies" u1 H0 p( X; K& J2 Y
and a Description of the Hematopoietic Blast Colony Forming Assay
) Y; f; J  X0 `: ]! R4. Unit 1D.4 Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells in Adherent and in Chemically5 ]% G4 P# a! r8 t1 F5 K1 s
Defined Culture Conditions5 s& _" T9 l$ W$ @
5. Unit 1D.5 Isolation and Differentiation of Xenopus Animal Cap Cells
; C0 J: W$ i# ]0 `# E5. Section E Extraembryonic Lineages# X2 V$ R4 q1 d9 Q5 F0 e: V
1. Introduction
$ b9 j# F$ J' {! H2. Unit 1E.1 Isolation of Human Placenta-Derived Multipotent Cells and In Vitro Differentiation2 R) E& J3 ~, A. C$ A2 _8 }8 S  r
into Hepatocyte-Like Cells- w  _* m% ?, p
3. Unit 1E.2 Isolation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Amniotic Fluid and Placenta1 }4 i/ y. E/ y: e5 _6 q. m$ l
4. Unit 1E.3 Isolation of Amniotic Epithelial Stem Cells
; `1 s5 ~& l8 F( s! h& n5. Unit 1E.4 Isolation and Manipulation of Mouse Trophoblast Stem Cells
5 R& e' A3 P, P) y2 i9 \6. Unit 1E.5 Isolation of Amniotic Mesenchymal Stem Cells$ r$ H* E( C. {% Q
7. Unit 1E.6 Amnion Epithelial Cell Isolation and Characterization for Clinical Use
" `: t' ]7 x, D! X2 e9 L, ^6. Section F Mesodermal Lineages; Q+ D0 w; Z  `+ z. @4 V
1. Unit 1F.1 Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells into Cartilage Cells/ T. i' [2 C6 C8 }& M2 s) {
2. Unit 1F.2 Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells to Cardiomyocytes by Coculture
& K+ Y8 E5 m: O+ X1 X+ kwith Endoderm in Serum-Free Medium$ r" Z, h# ?! f
3. Unit 1F.3 Isolation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells from Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells' t! }6 H6 e/ ?  P
4. Unit 1F.4 Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells into Blood. k4 v  Q! R3 C' S/ c. T, b* t
5. Unit 1F.5 Endothelial Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
. x/ E( _, Q; d4 g6. Unit 1F.6 Hematopoietic Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells by Cocultivation0 x/ m, p9 k+ ^6 k! V- z
with Stromal Layers
0 @0 D# t' o6 i9 G( p$ i7 \7. Unit 1F.7 TLX1 (HOX11) Immortalization of Embryonic Stem Cell–Derived and Primary" Q& |- F5 G& n' ]7 C
Murine Hematopoietic Progenitors' R5 u* s2 i1 {% U* ^) N/ L
8. Unit 1F.8 Differentiation of Multipotent Mesenchymal Precursors and Skeletal Myoblasts from& ]2 B9 X* f' r- P
Human Embryonic Stem Cells1 [& {7 @% ~! c& f  {6 g
9. Unit 1F.9 Derivation of Vasculature from Embryonic Stem Cells
& I. u0 Q4 W6 L5 f, y5 K10. Unit 1F.10 Isolation and Functional Characterization of Pluripotent Stem Cell–Derived Cardiac9 w# I8 S4 S0 _9 Q! M  c2 Q: b, @5 I
Progenitor Cells- o8 k. O1 ?/ J1 E# ^* ^# u" O
11. Unit 1F.11 Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells into Cardiomyocytes via the; C) j+ ^8 _" N* R
Hanging-Drop and Mass Culture Methods  `; N- ], z7 ~" |' @  s/ Z4 A
7. Section G Endodermal Lineages. W+ `7 @, U/ Q
1. Unit 1G.1 The Differentiation of Distal Lung Epithelium from Embryonic Stem Cells+ y& x3 B6 h2 @8 M- x8 u5 }
2. Unit 1G.2 Pancreas Differentiation of Mouse ES Cells
) z) A# s0 g3 S- F' }  t. H" k' R) ?3. Unit 1G.3 Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells into Anterior Definitive Endoderm! V: `# Q$ z4 j% ^
8. Section H Ectodermal Lineages
" c" r. E! |" L: J4 F7 n1. Unit 1H.1 Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells to Spinal Motor Neurons2 u5 e6 N/ c, g+ F" W
2. Unit 1H.2 Time-Lapse Imaging of Embryonic Neural Stem Cell Division in Drosophila by5 W+ @5 I8 V  c
Two-Photon Microscopy
) {, K2 K0 I, U* K& `% T% S' t) B4. Chapter 2 Somatic Stem Cells
. Z' d1 R4 k" a+ m% f. h1. Section A Hematopoietic Stem Cells
! A+ ^( m4 I+ ^8 s# W* I1. Introduction' y+ l1 w' |8 ?. p
2. Unit 2A.1 Isolation of Mononuclear Cells from Human Cord Blood by Ficoll-Paque Density
7 N; Q& ~5 o  x2 ^6 R/ {Gradient" i* o+ S, {: [) _1 g; t
3. Unit 2A.2 Isolation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells from Human Cord Blood8 I' B$ b9 c8 x) h% |4 \
4. Unit 2A.3 Isolation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Human Cord Blood* s1 j& _) c7 d
5. Unit 2A.4 Isolation and Assessment of Long-Term Reconstituting Hematopoietic Stem Cells
  E6 C  f! ?7 E' c; g/ K3 Afrom Adult Mouse Bone Marrow
& U1 g9 G8 [! E) h6. Unit 2A.5 Analysis of the Hematopoietic Stem Cell Niche# R4 C  t3 h2 G# a9 g
7. Unit 2A.6 Analysis and Manipulation of Hematopoietic Progenitor and Stem Cells from Murine  g- K+ p6 E6 e
Embryonic Tissues: D  l# a& Q: y% t/ f: L- H
8. Unit 2A.7 High Level In Vitro Expansion of Murine Hematopoietic Stem Cells3 ]) k1 a4 u4 L6 T
9. Unit 2A.8 Isolation and Visualization of Mouse Placental Hematopoietic Stem Cells
# v# W* {5 E# I# c3 `: w10. Unit 2A.9 Preparation of Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells from the Human Placenta
3 i! {7 W# u3 o2 C+ V# W1 V2. Section B Non-Hematopoietic Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cells
* _) a# C6 H& M' U1. Unit 2B.1 Isolation and Characterization of Mesoangioblasts from Mouse, Dog, and Human! O  \$ [+ I' @- ]% c, ~2 f% @
Tissues; }1 ]* M' C! t: P6 y5 d
2. Unit 2B.2 Purification and Culture of Human Blood Vessel–Associated Progenitor Cells
( M1 }# ^( S0 e3. Unit 2B.3 Isolation, Culture, and Differentiation Potential of Mouse Marrow Stromal Cells9 u' I2 l# |7 r, Z
3. Section C Cardiovascular Stem Cells* S9 l: g, ~* z9 C7 u
1. Unit 2C.1 Isolation and Characterization of Endothelial Progenitor Cells from Human Blood
  W# o$ r, U2 a6 e2. Unit 2C.2 Derivation of Epicardium-Derived Progenitor Cells (EPDCs) from Adult Epicardium' @6 o& ]; j0 v  z5 e- `
3. Unit 2C.3 Isolation and Expansion of Cardiosphere-Derived Stem Cells' p" j  \. i# D: j
4. Section D Neural Stem Cells+ X7 {2 B, s. X. x, M5 h+ w0 e0 A
1. Unit 2D.1 Generation of Cultured Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells from Rat Neonatal Brains. \# p& S& X' G& S
2. Unit 2D.2 Isolating, Expanding, and Infecting Human and Rodent Fetal Neural Progenitor Cells
* j5 ^" A3 g6 h, M6 m) ^; X7 ?' h& u3. Unit 2D.3 Long-Term Multilayer Adherent Network (MAN) Expansion, Maintenance, and
9 S# v: {% G! F4 N8 hCharacterization, Chemical and Genetic Manipulation, and Transplantation of Human Fetal. `0 ]8 n4 c8 l  J
Forebrain Neural Stem Cells- e. B" X+ D$ ~3 i% V* I
4. Unit 2D.4 Culture System for Rodent and Human Oligodendrocyte Specification, Lineage1 L% A/ N8 `% E) s9 ~+ g! K! w: U( ~9 b
Progression, and Maturation. v, u- W1 b& m* U& f; O
5. Unit 2D.5 Isolation and Culture of Ventral Mesencephalic Precursor Cells and Dopaminergic
8 ]9 I7 S% ]  [7 r9 F7 dNeurons from Rodent Brains+ R; c* X8 [+ [) x
6. Unit 2D.6 Isolation of Neural Stem Cells from Neural Tissues Using the Neurosphere9 T7 i# X9 n8 q# t2 B0 s+ g5 L# s
. n- J* ^6 H! v) M5. Section E Germline Stem Cells
. b) U1 r$ t4 i3 y1. Unit 2E.1 Culturing Ovarian Somatic and Germline Stem Cells of Drosophila! W1 L+ z% }- Q' u& S$ y
2. Unit 2E.2 Time-Lapse Live Imaging of Stem Cells in Drosophila Testis' C+ B; x1 q3 a' {, s* z6 h2 E
6. Section F Gut Stem Cells; M/ |& v+ c- \& z& B
1. Unit 2F.1 In Situ Hybridization to Identify Gut Stem Cells3 z; f/ e, `6 r& Y. o# v; J
7. Section G Lung Stem Cells' E8 J0 x% C6 g  w# b
1. Unit 2G.1 Isolation and Clonal Assay of Adult Lung Epithelial Stem/Progenitor Cells
% u! a+ r0 X2 c! o5. Chapter 3 Cancer Stem Cells& [5 X! Q. N$ D; |: U8 g
1. Unit 3.1 Colon Cancer Stem Cells
$ R' |$ d8 z% ^% P: d1 R5 w8 s2. Unit 3.2 In Vivo Evaluation of Leukemic Stem Cells through the Xenotransplantation Model
2 _* I0 F5 i9 S* M9 |7 v+ x3. Unit 3.3 Culture and Isolation of Brain Tumor Initiating Cells' Z* P/ V) Y. v. g9 T
6. Chapter 4 Manipulation of Potency8 o9 D8 x* }$ d# `9 f
1. Section A iPS Cells
4 m% f7 P  i/ M+ E1. Unit 4A.1 Human iPS Cell Derivation/Reprogramming
. n5 L8 @" G5 k: I/ b2. Unit 4A.2 Generation and Characterization of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells9 ~1 }& q8 C) K% `  ^
2. Section B Nuclear Transfer9 J* |1 d, m# @
1. Unit 4B.1 Heterokaryon-Based Reprogramming for Pluripotency
; w; g0 B1 J. _5 }! J3 k! `( \7. Chapter 5 Genetic Manipulation of Stem Cells
4 g1 F& \* [8 K6 {: g8 Q/ ?1. Section A Lineage Tracers in Stem Cells- a( h5 `1 g8 D! b( K7 e
1. Unit 5A.1 Imaging Neural Stem Cell Fate in Mouse Model of Glioma# o9 w4 b1 G$ B/ a5 N" P& v
2. Unit 5A.2 Functional Analysis of Adult Stem Cells Using Cre-Mediated Lineage Tracing
" @3 q" F/ m6 q  S: p& l' S9 ^3. Unit 5A.3 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
$ h# X8 o3 n- L: {4. Unit 5A.4 Lineage Tracing in the Intestinal Epithelium: M/ b) v& L$ w  Z4 S
5. Unit 5A.5 Kaede-Centrin1 Labeling of Mother and Daughter Centrosomes in Mammalian" ?0 o6 e5 s: H: E2 m. Q+ K- X) H
Neocortical Neural Progenitors
* R, l) E! f5 d: v$ H2. Section B Homologous Recombination in Stem Cells. R! L0 j. x% c4 C
6. Unit 5B.1 Generation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Reporter Knock-In Lines by7 i% @( ?9 S& K" U. A! z7 R
Homologous Recombination
4 |* ^+ X  \' S1 v' x7 e8. Appendix 1 Useful Information( R! J: g2 a. ]/ ]
1. 1A Guidelines for the Conduct of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research
! Q; \- t+ U$ x( U9 A2. 1B ISSCR Guidelines for the Clinical Translation of Stem Cells2 a; K% M6 K8 B- {* C% J
9. Appendix 2 Laboratory Equipment
1 \6 b  X" z7 f! W5 HStandard Laboratory Equipment
; `5 k$ k$ v' U10. Appendix Suppliers% H1 j& o. w& u1 t' X& c( i
Selected Suppliers of Reagents and Equipment
: d! X, ~# q2 X/ K  A
# m+ E5 g! z9 k+ e+ q8 z2 b# M! L
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