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论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2019-1-8 21:46 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
"genetic mutation" should be exactly as "gene self-editing"9 N9 T% T$ I: m2 w" X7 h; L: Y
2017-12-1 13:17- u. V2 |( N# W0 I
Bioreactor in vivo would be the terminator of illness.
0 {4 G! a8 y; J6 p8 J8 M2017-11-20 23:09% l2 s# n2 c& Q6 x+ a& O
renew tech:剔除衰老(病变)细胞占位可以恢复青春。: e% b3 e- V" h. r/ z
2017-10-23 12:500 R# E/ L0 ^2 E, O9 V
魔不疯,鬼不魅; 道非盗,仙非妖;神无形,兽无极。, W- e  h# G: v
2017-9-30 10:58
1 Q: z' s* F/ T: L* K6 l) u* G4 BLife 3.0——from decoding and coding to reading and writing
5 r1 _- ], \/ w& ?* H; o2017-9-21 22:324 g8 [2 z' a0 P
理论创新:亮明立场——先颠覆,再完善; P) f+ L6 O2 ]% v# C/ e" b' ?
2017-2-7 00:07
# B2 F+ A. f  X" s3 h. n5 Y7 K7 R/ {干细胞第二定律:与细胞外基质共同构成多潜能;0 C2 t8 T9 v+ j$ M9 W# C& i# H
2017-1-3 11:14: x. C# R8 a* X% f( o" P# [
干细胞第一定律:全生命周期保持增殖分化能力;* x3 b3 B. i7 I1 [. d; G* r
2017-1-3 11:13
! D. W6 g9 t1 lNgAgo——Never give A guideline operated!
, y) q! c! R# U( |: m2016-12-1 10:09& H! P1 N. a7 S1 N
表观遗传—— 一切皆可改变  一切皆有可能
: n# _5 W6 m/ q+ g$ q0 E* d( n2016-8-17 23:37! P6 L3 \+ w& \8 ^# |6 b$ O
子曰:吸血鬼疗法——养儿防病 养孙防老
8 Q0 r6 R2 h2 i1 `6 F- C% M2016-5-23 12:05
2 u; Y1 {& Q5 a$ t) QNgAgo——Debug tool kit for mammal cells
6 u: L+ {. Z6 m" r0 |, U0 f5 Y2016-5-9 13:09
' A9 B. N0 W8 v公理之外 皆需证明; 科学命题 皆可证伪。
! \9 h) ]% G0 s; h" S  E; D/ n9 c( K+ W2016-1-2 00:201 g& R) L* R  Y( t5 i( k7 P
低氧——破坏线粒体功能、诱发炎症、导致基因突变* a% Y% {4 _* @& x# T
2015-12-16 20:19  n% t/ E8 L% G
% E. P% t4 g; m* |hcoohboy: 一个有趣的假设~但是没有炎症就一定没有癌症吗? (12-18 16:16)
9 b2 l: b  t2 }& b4 Bsunsong7: 炎症与癌症同在,Hanahan D, Weinberg R A. Hallmarks of cancer: the next generation[J]. cell, 2011, 144(5): 646-674. (12-19 19:45)/ f: N* [; P& Y6 H# x& G
hcoohboy: 3ks~ (12-24 16:45)1 A# o' \# m5 X9 W& P2 R* y2 R
2015-11-18 15:54
  ?( |) R2 ?+ ]4 ?9 {1 J抽象世界与客观世界的真理判别标准是不同的: 在虚拟数学世界里,逻辑是一切命题的唯一审判标准; 在客观物质世界里,证伪是一切定律的最终审判依据。3 b* g' m( G1 J! J
2015-5-20 14:13; X3 J' N9 O7 G% N
传统生物学将死:进化论=自然神论   基因轮=宿命论   细胞论=活力论翻版。    现代生物学曙光乍现:系统生物学=数学 结构生物学=物理学 合成生物学=工程学. x" S- h& w% g+ @& F+ Z
helong: 系统生物学是把细胞、基因、进化、物理学、信息学(数学)、工程学等都打包起来的所谓新学科,目前只做到了简单组合,还没有达到系统集成阶段。合成学更多偏向于化学。 (4-21 19:28)
2 |" J: q# L2 N* ~% X8 j8 U5 ?sunsong7: 方向对头,努力总会有结果的 (4-21 20:05)
* s/ W/ u/ n! }( o! b. q) a2 a& W2015-4-21 16:46
8 j# s# q/ x; dsearch and research is just disassembling the creature.6 \, a* g: X* w
2015-4-7 17:01' E9 j2 n. o$ e2 t" H5 E6 f" V
selection is  the act of intelligence
" u6 }# X" A7 u6 W/ y2015-4-7 13:49
) Z% V4 P' Q1 mGenome fusion create neoplasm- W, z7 d. i; |
2015-1-20 13:10
! ]# R& K9 p+ c! hSTAP——Stupid Trick  Against Professional 
0 C8 T. a2 ~% g1 w2015-1-1 19:29* C. q! |; b8 L
9 c5 p. [- r8 C0 k3 z2014-7-22 17:36
9 l' [: D6 t7 e) o8 z0 t. YNatural mutation does not result in new functional genes 
6 ?/ U- d( T" K' s* g& K  f2014-7-3 14:06
& b/ J' h* f: h, ?. Z2 hlife is wisdom creation instead of natural evolution
$ l- `& w* J; f+ X. K% W2014-3-27 09:331 g) P# F  K) e0 ^2 |4 A3 M: |; l
let us explore the source code of life !
1 ^4 k  Q% O+ {+ |2014-3-11 13:11
! F& ^* f; A" r( V6 X3 D* hbio-manufacturing——processing,machining,casting,printing,3D prototyping,duplicating,cloning,life replicating.
* _7 B8 L) u9 r' g5 E# j8 r2013-10-7 23:06
4 G( N7 E: {% ^, pinduced abortion would give the key for curing cancer 
# D& O8 W# \* v5 e1 h& |2013-10-2 23:33
8 _( K+ t6 n6 q5 o0 H“key breakthrough” in molecular biology are entertainments0 R  m2 W. s/ j/ p$ x5 {
2013-6-16 11:50; t2 \+ p* j8 ]4 p6 Q$ [* E0 n7 ^* I
Rules Of Living:trial-and-error exploring,survival takes the legitimacy1 o# D" b( u9 O3 N
2013-6-16 11:27. h' t1 [+ ]6 ~. t$ w) v5 y- n
Life is a set of debuging programs
3 v  H8 A3 b) B# G  O0 F0 l2013-6-15 18:40
+ }5 Q. g% {, ], z3 k4 Zcurrent biology is closed,destined and agnostic,it is  the only contribution is to kill cells  D2 {8 E0 d- {  i. V6 p
2013-5-2 08:54
# n  H" G! B; l6 vinformation,energy and construction are the new base stone of biology,instead of evolution,gene and  cell  tales
0 y. S. j, W6 j4 {+ w- U* l, f! e2013-5-2 00:51& x; m9 N+ r4 o
virus is the messager of  the universal life network
- X. e. }6 X- G2013-4-18 14:33# y9 K7 [5 D/ G7 V
Genetic information doesn't improve cancer risk prediction
- Y) k4 z3 v9 u6 `( n2013-4-1 09:206 q# l6 m+ P. \8 l
There is no early diagnosis of cancer,but early prevention of it
" T( P: p" E7 q  T2013-3-27 09:17/ v% c' X6 r8 C) w5 n
hypoxia maintains stemness or carcinogenicity
( b: h" A8 Y( k8 I5 b3 |; y2013-1-2 05:21
6 ?! X  g& k5 w% ~9 q# Icancer is the living fossil records on origin and evolution of human being
& \0 H1 |  |* V( E+ W' H( v2012-12-9 23:31
: o- V; R* s5 \$ n- |information island results cancer
$ s: P/ f- P/ V# g$ ]2 j6 }5 N2012-12-9 05:23
! A: W2 u0 Z3 c2 L' dlife is digital game
5 T/ }( u1 G! B- I2012-11-10 00:17
- I2 c4 w6 |& M" s& ?8 {! Mcancer ——severe abstinence reaction of cells to niche addiction$ e4 k; {1 t( ]' I6 r+ u
2012-9-28 12:11
- t) r* E, |( Y未来生物学终将回归物理(熵)及数学(分形)的美感
; V. D9 ?9 u+ O2 w6 Qbiomater: 熵理论适用于任务物质。。。。也适合于生命 (9-26 09:28)1 B2 k  }6 t% `- s
2012-9-25 21:22
* f# W$ r, v. M0 y: Omembrane holds the key to life
0 ?% B. B4 t+ Y. X2 N2012-8-19 20:24
2 L7 q" w9 d" t: OCancer is the default state of cells9 ~9 V. }; v8 r7 ~
2012-6-26 22:170 Z' V, {- `' m
mainstream cancer theories could be overthrown!. H" L9 e: S0 [! q- ]
2012-6-25 15:43
) e- f. F7 t: E( `' ]8 scarcinogenesis has nothing to do with the gene mutations but is  the result of niche reprogramming...4 F7 b  u0 w, [7 S8 P$ t% M
2012-6-7 09:36
6 V9 v6 W9 R3 g( v: gevery living organism connected with the water, one cell one world  l* W6 J1 j2 X
2012-4-19 22:06
' L+ L! B- j5 wchemical structure of cancer cell determines it's biological function...
- @" Y; t7 k" B* n5 M2012-4-7 17:56
/ F8 k. ?0 [4 G& U: A) E+ yMann tracht und Gott lacht
6 s7 w7 Y, e+ T9 B( g( b* S2012-3-24 21:34
! P& f+ a$ f/ X& Q, ]* vDarwinism or genetic determinism is a fairy tale!
" ?( N( Z: [  R9 J* H. M' \$ m0 Q, ?2012-3-13 15:18; m8 f% c2 [% E
niche isolation is essential for cancer speciation
& b& z4 J) [) j2012-3-12 12:07; A' o* m5 f- p* R9 A1 A
Hybridization Creates New Species,Mutation results species extinction
3 f+ V" J$ E. d0 {3 x2012-3-11 18:21
/ L6 V4 C/ R8 ?. H9 c9 uROCK may join the niche reprogramming...9 {) P" B3 ]/ i9 r5 C% U, v0 t
yuhaoze: 这是篇文献吗? (3-9 10:41)
, S7 q# D2 c1 o! ssunsong7: http://www.stemcell8.cn/home-space-uid-6268-do-blog-id-1211.html 突破:病人体细胞及肿瘤细胞长期体外培养(附原文) http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-51419-1-1.html (3-9 10:46)
2 n, c6 B5 B& f! ^6 f% R" Syuhaoze: 啊, 我看过这篇,还顶了呢,谢谢哈 (3-9 14:37)/ o# t, P6 u. ^9 H" ?! C+ y
2012-1-19 10:529 F; s0 _( _* |/ N9 G+ `2 b
oncogenes are pseudoscience
+ [0 B1 z2 y, v2011-12-29 13:55
. O( o2 b2 x4 A" S) ?$ C2 dgene mutation leads to variation or extinction, not new species
# i- Q5 d2 ^; S* L% s2011-12-29 13:28
; U1 r5 ^/ \( Y7 Uoncogenesis is non-Darwinian event9 |6 T1 n$ M& s. c* g
2011-12-28 22:56
0 V( }7 D4 a$ Y2 u3 l8 r! odisorganization activate neurogenesis activate oncogenesis   2 S9 o7 r5 P4 X  h, _/ x, _6 N8 V
2011-12-22 23:383 B, f2 ]2 W4 e
MSC is cell feeder,tissue scaffold,immune firewall and biological glue: S2 |+ A% d7 U$ e: z. j
2011-12-19 19:46
2 I, _' G3 d; f+ @, L7 Lcancer is Noah's Ark(species carrier and life explorer)
5 {! |/ q9 _9 ^& I" [; Y2 R2011-12-10 09:46
& ]* k  `, S% H4 Mcell fusion create new species, gene mutation induce variation( e3 j) P+ C1 W7 z' E
2011-12-10 09:365 C- F1 d# y: H; V, V3 U: w6 J; o
GVT will be cancer terminator, Cytokine storm will be cancer preventor
# A% q- p$ @9 T& i2011-12-8 12:56
/ Y! A7 o7 P. A0 Q, [6 L4 h; bcell fusion results regeneration,reprogramming,neogenesis,atavism; cell division results differentiation,apoptosis,senescense,development;
) K* x( K( R* E! ]% r2011-11-27 14:54
. W/ o/ X- N6 k, ?; |& |4 r; XCancer is between protozoa and mesozoa, not metazoa...
5 K2 f% o; i4 `* v9 o+ n2011-11-27 00:25! l' ?# A- J! [4 Q6 w+ L
cancer is neurological disease! haha,I got it!
0 i( s& p7 e2 j. L# C' }2011-11-22 22:060 P; W' |4 f: v1 j6 l0 U" b6 ]+ u
you are cancer,fetus is tumor. 佛曰:汝既是癌 癌胚如来' `, s  i( t5 @
2011-11-12 11:27
) ^& ]8 C, D7 K) x. J- Kcancer is the ecological invasion of hacker...  j- d0 q1 c. c  r
2011-10-5 10:31
/ v- A3 p- g0 t$ v4 Y* QmicroRNA is  negentropy?0 |) t. t2 F1 H$ D5 R- `+ o4 Y
2011-9-24 00:48
" X( O7 c  F8 p5 Q0 Z/ g5 J2 \cancer is the social problem
8 H2 X; p& @' _, s3 H/ V2 r2011-9-9 23:33
+ \2 V( }' P9 ]% v2 b3 rScience is the games of nobleman or madman
. t, v2 r/ z3 f$ F7 Q2011-9-2 15:03
' g4 D% Q9 H* Dcancer resulted from disturbance of biological liquid crystalline state of ECM) {' @- l% `" X% ~" j$ \
2011-9-1 20:13
5 i; Y7 f: c5 U0 H( {niche n-dimensions——space, time, momentum and entropy; energy, material and information flows; physical, chemical and biological factors;topological, thermal, and fractal influences...
# k* n: R) Z' [4 p" c# m2011-8-13 00:37
, F/ V7 D! @/ n5 d/ ~) i6 j& v. lSecond recession is coming?- K& e5 [( L3 c, B
2011-8-9 23:58, E! K9 W: u: S$ j6 _
cancer may be from sexual reproduction of somatic cells.& A( j$ D' Z4 N. H/ l; D2 R% z* X3 M- s
2011-8-7 00:16
* r% P4 Y  R* A& R9 Jwho determine gene? genetic determinism is fatalism!" d% U* Z/ a5 t
2011-7-30 11:26
  d6 r- e6 }( s& b) Xniche reprogrammabllity is the key of solving cancer problems...
( U: u9 T4 x7 ^0 S5 c- esongtianlong: i can't agree more!!!O(∩_∩)O~ (8-14 20:42)
5 o+ y$ w9 R6 c6 isunsong7: hehe. thanks for interested in this topic, welcome future discussing (8-14 20:54)
4 @1 ~1 G  |  K2011-7-24 01:24: r2 S; e  u$ g$ U6 Z0 a0 C3 _- ]
cancer results from acquired genetics alterations.
/ M& `$ D3 f% a7 Z. d2011-7-20 21:37
; I+ B, L9 s& U) V: ~, Z+ i" ^) GCSCs are the low differentiated cancer cells in G0
# R. B! U# [) P4 r! U6 F2011-6-29 16:30
% E, a1 \- ]7 @iPS future——in vivo direct reprogramming ...
3 K4 z( T" M, m3 r2011-5-31 15:20
# [1 w3 t) F  s5 ~. t( B1 mniche reprogramming——cell fate will be manipulated by cytoplasm - microenvironment interaction http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-40755-1-1.html
. h0 j6 z% s2 @' C9 W+ B2 [& a# Y2011-5-31 01:28
! _3 b6 t7 Z, ~' _6 wall the somatic cells of Mammals are totipotent !
) Z( u' Z$ ^  E. ~2011-5-22 22:22, P7 K5 o0 z+ e
miRNA——The manipulator of  cell fate!& ]9 W# o7 `: y* z( ?% M
2011-5-20 20:213 I" s* G7 A' K- k2 e/ k* h0 E
《Cell Stem Cell》means “cell is stem cell”   活细胞就是干细胞?
. d( r, Y1 u/ ^: n* e; y# f2011-5-17 12:38; P$ U( w% P  E! c0 x- h
cancer —— good nuclear in bad cytoplasm!RNAs are cytoplasmic determinants determine  cytoplasm determine cell fate! division is differentiation is cancerous is life !6 h8 `* b2 y. |1 s* S% Q0 \
2011-5-11 12:31
+ s) _/ Q. T0 b6 m: Dcancer results from cell dedifferentiation...
) _* |% [. A9 n0 y2011-4-28 18:07
3 s* _6 v* X. O* G4 Tdifferentiation——asymmetric cell division !
9 @4 n/ `: G0 u# C5 S7 r4 Y2011-4-28 18:04
; a1 V: F, G" l2 K3 K  |cancer origins from the regenerative cells!
0 M, [5 K8 J# C2011-4-28 17:52
9 `/ m. u8 j9 V  h9 b9 O6 [% }3 ^Proliferation is differentiation potentiality!
$ d# `, j, Q; A' V0 Z2011-4-28 17:492 P9 e8 I8 E' }' Y5 r3 X# N
iPS——the key of Pandora box!
; X& N4 u% r7 N# ~: M2011-4-27 22:36
' ?% c; o! q" Z2 Z! q9 W) R/ XAristotle— "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
5 m" Y6 F% q- B7 o# C' W2011-4-27 00:20
& z9 O* R; M; F' z2 ?' Wcancer——atavistic cells) @4 {; B& c) a7 h$ m0 L
2011-4-20 00:20
$ c# w4 E6 L* k; {  ccancer——cellular atavism!
/ ~" s1 `3 @( f6 ^2011-4-20 00:18
, a1 D2 X" ^+ j, |- K! c9 d& Hcancer——evolutionary ancestors of mammals.
3 k; \- X! g+ y" q' t% [" _$ ]9 q7 R2011-4-20 00:09! j* B) F& c8 l- }0 H
7 g, r2 |) V! ~5 q2 P2011-4-17 01:41
! V+ [! c, s9 z! i% b# L  |cancer——Metazoa 1.0  s  K9 f! E0 s, ?9 v  u2 i+ E: S
2011-4-17 01:00* B; K7 w! v0 a. H, X' Q
US——the Axis of Evil!
3 J$ G8 b9 q; ?* b2 d8 F2011-4-4 01:19
- M  \* Z1 a7 [4 e- r4 e. i美国是世界的邪恶轴心!
( J( `5 Z! z2 Gsunsong7: 沁园春.血               ---作者:萨达姆   日 本 风 光, 千 里 地 震, 万 里 海 啸。 望 仙 台 内 外, 废 墟 莽 莽; 东 京 上 下, 顿 时 逃 逃。 核 站 爆 炸, 世 界 惊 涛, 地 震 海 啸 试 比 高 ... (3-22 21:25)3 y$ e: w# S4 s; \) j. P
2011-3-22 19:06
- h# N4 }1 g6 v9 l0 jteratoma is derived from endogenous iPS!
) o0 w2 J" W6 [* T, b( f6 o2011-3-15 21:44
5 l) _8 `( D) F% Q# ^% m3 Z% iips is a luxury gambol on  0 q- c  P/ r+ u' U7 M8 U: _. G
2011-3-3 14:50/ X( X1 k, {- P5 c, k
cancer is intermediate of species evolution
$ [% E* R' M( ]& L5 n2011-2-12 12:296 _% s7 p& @4 D  w8 B" G
stem cell now is on the eve of coming medical revolution
7 i, b/ X) A7 ?, B9 ?) l3 @, c+ e+ }2011-2-12 11:20
% a8 D" O' @, U% _Inflamation is the reprogramming process of somatic cell in vivo!* w5 }7 z. X( F" r
2011-1-31 14:492 @- D+ n* L! p8 }* {% Y% E
so-called medicine is niche regulator!& h# R6 B) Z+ A: X
2011-1-23 21:45
0 C1 z. n5 h3 d& b4 zendogenous iPS is the cancer initiating cell!% C, M4 T* E  A* B/ L7 B; H
2011-1-17 16:47) i8 D: S3 m5 b- H# w! S
cancer is unicellular organisms!- I6 `6 e4 r! R2 N" j! F
2011-1-9 22:04. t, D0 N2 }' C6 ]
Pandorabox Has Been Opened
' k2 N; O; W: ~4 b. ^2011-1-7 23:24
: U" l0 V1 {& A2 r0 \9 w3 _iPS is the Emperor's New Suit ! - y5 `  g, T* K1 ~; _, J
2011-1-5 23:50
( K; [: s4 o8 q3 h' j, r3 Acell-free is the final solution of stem cell therapy7 c: f  ~# Q8 {& }7 t+ s
2011-1-5 21:46/ Y) ^8 j, c! t+ }
niche is telling the story of stem cell...
$ v. S% L5 X% h" y2010-12-29 17:32
1 g1 A- ~. ^6 I* Icancer results from reprogramming of somatic cells
- t" v! A, Z6 s8 D" ]: Q2010-12-25 18:568 Y6 f/ J* W1 \  }0 R
cancer——good cells in bad niche!
5 L7 S1 p) ?. Q+ `2010-12-25 16:02
$ g# s1 B9 q6 x7 F- ^0 gcancer无罪——制造产生罪犯的土壤才是真正的犯罪!0 a! K6 z! @% ?
deron: 灰常同意,有相关文献么? (12-19 09:41): u8 \/ h6 e) {
sunsong7: 呵呵,请来参加讨论——癌细胞的发生可能是一种“返祖”现象? http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-32073-1-1.html (12-19 11:33)
( e: n/ P, Q- H& l3 @- Usunsong7: 问题讨论 http://www.stemcell8.cn/forum-re ... 709-pid-246202.html (12-19 13:29), ^8 H* C  ?- F2 D: {+ j% ^
2010-12-18 15:54' Y! N) D* B+ U, ^2 X! v; i
子曰:上善若水 大成若缺——干细胞治疗的终极解决方案将是不移植外源干细胞!  k' I/ g3 I+ D7 z
2010-12-15 15:07$ Q2 D9 q* b- u, t8 e; }
老狼的记忆——大洪水# q# D+ x9 g( n" \
2010-12-13 23:25' c1 W" k6 J! P; m9 S- g4 D5 g! V
can cancer randomly differentiate into norml cell in vivo  ; I3 j. I; H8 e$ k) Z* I! o
2010-12-13 22:33
0 y7 R% E6 Z+ c" T- k; tomnis cellula e cellula
" j2 v0 y6 n- a* l# n0 ]2010-12-12 09:28: p' t4 _* A  M+ _( A3 P
Stem Cell ——The Origin of Disease4 ?: t1 b+ e" V& R
2010-12-12 09:27
& p  w0 m# B/ g/ G5 O% H

Rank: 2


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