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从罕见疾病患者的iPS细胞揭示衰老和癌症 [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-3-18 10:57 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
March 17, 2010; h! _$ a8 H2 n1 q6 [
In a study that ties stem cell research together with research on aging and cancer, HSCI investigators have used genetic reprogramming to create cells from patients with a rare premature-aging disorder that are able to rebuild their telomeres — the tips of chromosomes that must be maintained to prevent a cell from “aging” and enabling it to divide and make copies of itself.
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HSCI Executive Committee member George Q. Daley, MD, PhD, and colleagues at Children’s Hospital Boston report having successfully reactivated the enzyme telomerase, which maintains the telomeres, in patients with dyskeratosis congenita. In this rare genetic disease, mutations cause telomerase to be defective, leaving the chromosomes without protection from damage and unable to compensate for the natural shortening of telomeres that occurs when a cell divides. As a result, a patient’s cells “age” more quickly, leading to bone-marrow failure, degradation of multiple tissues, premature aging-like symptoms, and a much-shortened lifespan.
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The findings suggest the possibility of developing drugs to help patients with dyskeratosis congenita maintain their telomeres, prolonging their lives. But the study also has broad implications for stem-cell research, as well as research on aging and even cancer.3 y' U3 @$ ~# T! Z# @, Y
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“This paper illustrates how reprogramming a patient’s skin cells into stem cells can teach us surprising lessons about human disease,” Daley said.! R( E% s; x. x# S4 C) R) e/ K. G

; v6 R4 c9 y! h1 ^0 b1 ?1 i' _% |The ability to maintain and elongate telomeres is believed to endow stem cells with a sort of immortality. Researchers studying aging believe that this same ability could slow or halt natural aging, at least in our cells. In the cancer field, telomerase is thought to contribute to the immortalization and uncontrolled growth of cells that marks human cancer, and has become a target in attempts to treat the disease.
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The research project, led by Suneet Agarwal, MD, PhD, took skin cells from three patients with dyskeratosis congenita and reprogrammed them to create induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), which are similar to embryonic stem cells. Their goal was to better understand the disease at the cellular level — and also to see if the process of genetic reprogramming would actually affect the disease.
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It did. Once reprogrammed, the diseased cells showed increased levels of telomerase RNA component (TERC), the part of the telomerase enzyme that provides the template for adding DNA onto the telomeres. Even though the patients had a genetic defect in TERC, the telomeres were once again able to elongate, and the cells were able to replicate indefinitely — just as healthy iPS cells can.
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$ r( q; ]+ }) EFurther studies showed that human embryonic stem (ES) cells maintain elevated TERC levels similar to those found in iPS cells derived from healthy people, and that the more TERC found in iPS cells from patients with dyskeratosis congenita, the more telomerase activity.0 S; b  o& Q+ U9 [: O+ `7 Q! k* n

" F6 L2 v+ V% E: Y- E7 v& d! n" m“If you give patients with dyskeratosis congenita a conventional bone marrow transplant, they tend to have higher mortality than other patients because their disease affects so many organ systems,” says Agarwal. “For these patients, and for patients with other bone marrow failure syndromes, it would be ideal to give them a gentler stem cell transplant from their own cells.”
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6 O( V; K$ G( k- m) Y% J- @, j4 JSince creating iPS cells seems to promote telomere elongation, the study also suggests that people of all ages could potentially benefit from cell therapies derived from iPS cells, Agarwal says. “We’re not saying we’ve found the fountain of youth, but the process of creating iPS cells recapitulates some of the biology that our species uses to rejuvenate itself in each generation,” he says.
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The study also has implications for understanding cancer. Patients with dyskeratosis congenita are predisposed to cancer because their shortened telomeres expose their DNA to cancerous mutations. But researchers have wondered why, if the telomeres are shortened, the cancers are able to proliferate. They speculate that cancer cells, which share some characteristics of stem cells, may be able to proliferate by up-regulating TERC.
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论坛元老 精华勋章 优秀会员 金话筒 专家

发表于 2011-3-18 20:40 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tpwang 于 2011-3-18 20:43 编辑
& p7 I' K2 w4 ]
/ i) @  F6 |! K& G+ H5 V回复 uuyuq 的帖子7 ?% }: g7 B7 v' n7 y1 |5 B

$ m& t' a) U3 K去年的这个研究的潜在“意义”可以用文章结尾的讨论概括一下:
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(1)By reprogramming somatic cells from patients with the human disease dyskeratosis congenita, we have discovered novel mechanisms of regulation of telomerase activity in the pluripotent state, thus illustrating the value of disease-specific iPS cells for basic and translational discovery.   O- o" X  x/ r* l' r* ^/ m9 |4 i

- ^/ Y2 g7 B" h$ {4 d; i0 C+ l  K成体细胞重编程为多潜能干细胞的过程修复了DC病的端粒酶缺陷,因此iPSC有可能用于治疗这类疾病。% S7 t1 {& ?+ [) @+ W
7 K/ ?: i# p" V( h3 E5 F
(2)Moreover, we have shown that the RNA component of telomerase is upregulated in the pluripotent state to a degree sufficient to overcome limitations to telomere maintenance in X-linked and autosomal dominant DC. Drugs that activate the TERC locus may favour telomere maintenance over premature attrition in stemcell compartments where TERT is present but telomerase activity is limiting, such as haematopoietic stem cells23–27, and thus might serve as therapeutic agents for bone marrow failure.
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激活TERC locus的药物可通过维持端粒酶活性而有利于骨髓移植。+ E2 R$ L6 v9 @" s, i8 J* O
- T5 F1 p$ e& Z3 S
(3)Moreover, we speculate that in DC patients certain cell types such as germ cells and cancer cells, whose transcriptional programs share similarities with pluripotent cells, may also upregulate TERC to permit germline propagation of mutations and malignant proliferation.
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2 J% y9 {6 r5 K1 f推断DC患者癌症扩散和恶化的原因可能是TERC的增高。% \6 @4 E/ n. _7 j' s9 ~& W

* k. `9 E# A; r/ f1 v3 Y. eiPSC可以延长端粒,恢复端粒酶活性,而且这与癌症状态相似,是不是也提示iPSC与癌症起码在端粒这点上是类似的。如果延长端粒或提升端粒酶活性有助于治疗某些早衰疾病尚可理解,但要说有可能开辟了抗衰老新途径,那么抗衰老的同时(通过改变端粒酶活性)是不是也同时增加了癌症的风险。就这项研究的三个所谓“意义”而言,如何在治疗这种疾病的同时避免提升癌症的风险,作者没有说有什么考虑。起码是留了个“自相矛盾”的尾巴。- A& F8 V9 g1 R" S  ^
& i) C6 l+ Y) d1 m- ?
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