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牙槽骨牙周膜来源干细胞的鉴定 [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-3-27 21:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
原文来源于pubmed,由干细胞之家新闻小组成员 qianqianlaile 翻译(转帖请注明)
2 h* i6 X6 f( n/ s4 X7 ^4 J4 z" f4 y6 ^
组织工程A部 2010-12-27 付印前电子版0 E2 Q' A" `+ W) R
+ n& q& Y4 ~6 {" w中华人民共和国 西安 第四军医大学  口腔医学院 正畸科0 x2 m' e" ~# ^# R4 F
  f# e8 f8 s9 ~! ~+ K. E/ X) P复合的牙周结构即牙骨质、牙周膜和牙槽骨的完整而predicable再生对牙周研究者来说是一个很大的调战。一般认为人牙根表面的牙周膜中含有能增强体内类牙骨质/牙周膜结构再生的干细胞(r-PDLSCs)。本研究用长效溴脱氧尿苷 (BrdU)标记物观察发现牙周膜拥有不对称分布的干细胞。分离并鉴定人牙槽骨表面的牙周膜假定的干细胞(a-PDLSCs)。结果显示a-PDLSCs 有强的增殖能力并高比例表达间充质干细胞标记物。成骨和成脂分化时,a-PDLSCs的多向分化潜力较r-PDLSCs的高,而且a-PDLSCs的碱性磷酸酶活性和矿化相关标记物的表达也高于r-PDLSCs。体内a-PDLSCs 能再生骨/类牙周膜结构并修复临界尺寸的NOD/SCID鼠颅骨上建模形成的缺损。自体PDLSC介导的牙周再生显示 a-PDLSCs重建的牙槽骨较r-PDLSCs重建的完美。结果表明不同的条件下的PDLSCs可能有完全不同的特性。a-PDLSCs 和r-PDLSCs在牙周膜再生中可能有协同作用。3 i& q, k3 N4 R; I9 t" G& s

9 {9 @7 l: f! e: v1 g, V, F* \! J6 s4 i& r
Tissue Eng Part A. 2010 Dec 27. [Epub ahead of print]9 K/ A) ~$ C% L* c& ~5 ^" u/ D
Characterization of Stem Cells from Alveolar Periodontal Ligament.6 P5 @! F& ]5 h
Wang L, Shen H, Zheng W, Tang L, Yang Z, Gao Y, Yang Q, Wang C, Duan Y, Jin Y.
6 L+ n* K2 C2 [# X8 m6 J& b# x1 Department of Orthodontics, School of Stomatology, the Fourth Military Medical University , Xi'an, Shaanxi, People's Republic of China .. ]: B  k( u9 N. v) F# Q2 j
Abstract9 e1 N1 U+ j+ `
Complete and predicable regeneration of complex periodontal structures, which include cementum, periodontal ligament (PDL), and alveolar bone, has been a great challenge for periodontal researchers. It is generally believed that human PDL from the root surface contains stem cells (r-PDLSCs), which can enhance cementum/PDL-like tissues regeneration in vivo. In this work, PDL was found to possess asymmetrically distributed stem cells observed by long-term bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labeling. Putative stem cells from human PDL on the alveolar bone surface (a-PDLSCs) were then isolated and characterized. It was shown that a-PDLSCs exhibited strong proliferation capability and expressed high percentages of mesenchymal stem cell markers. Comparatively, a-PDLSCs had higher multilineage differentiation potential than r-PDLSCs with regard to both osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation. Alkaline phosphatase activity and the expression of mineralization-related markers of a-PDLSCs were also higher than those of r-PDLSCs. In vivo, a-PDLSCs could regenerate bone/PDL-like structures and repair critical-size defects created in calvarial bone of NOD/SCID mice. Autologous PDLSC-mediated periodontal regeneration showed that a-PDLSCs could accomplish reconstruction of alveolar bone more perfectly than r-PDLSCs. Our data suggest that PDLSCs may have quite different characteristics depending on locations. a-PDLSCs may take a synergistic effect with r-PDLSCs in periodontal regeneration.4 R5 T& h8 `* U! r" t& w
PMID: 21186958 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]4 W) y+ J( n% z( C8 H& ~2 O2 G
' W0 N. K( |9 x  x9 n( C4 p
注明:个人翻译,理解不准确的语句还望大家积极指出。7 Y2 V2 S) L: _+ `% y3 G6 x1 \5 q7 c
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