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发表于 2011-11-15 11:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
【题  名】:Myeloma Therapy Pursuing the Plasma Cell 3 c" [6 ?; \# \  [5 g7 a
【文献页码】: 2009, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-59745-564-0
# A# h$ C" e( e5 O- r2 e0 c) R【全文链接】: http://www.springerlink.com/cont ... page=4&locus=67


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664页啊,请到附件中下载 Myeloma Therapy: Pursuing the Plasma Cell (Contemporary Hematology) By Sagar Lonial Publisher: Humana Press Number Of Pages: 664 Publication Date: 2008-11-25 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1934115827 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781934115824 Product Description: Therapeutic options for patients with myeloma have radically changed over the past ten years. Beginning with the ...

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-11-15 11:44 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 细胞海洋 于 2011-11-15 20:20 编辑 ; ~" r% S: R0 {2 Z( \8 x& E

# m$ X# h/ r: W5 p& w5 L664页啊,请到附件中下载8 E1 E' a/ Z$ M

2 m+ R5 n# Q3 ~1 g* I- [Myeloma Therapy: Pursuing the Plasma Cell (Contemporary Hematology)$ f7 v/ }5 X; v" h
By Sagar Lonial
4 g( q0 F1 u6 D$ m! [) I
8 Q. {3 ~! u& t" Z# APublisher:  Humana Press + ~7 l4 f, r, W! m1 d$ [
Number Of Pages:  664 1 H2 S9 L* g4 X5 D2 u' L9 X
Publication Date:  2008-11-25 ) G0 Z. K% C/ p
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  1934115827   ~5 S+ K" i" \' k1 A* {
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9781934115824 3 h  K6 @9 q' f4 A8 g" o

0 T% E, A9 W2 K( d# o2 U3 x$ zProduct Description:
# v$ U4 w! h$ h- E* L1 o- r
7 ?1 @  e( \8 a. F1 J4 _Therapeutic options for patients with myeloma have radically changed over the past ten years. Beginning with the advances in therapy resulting from the use of high dose therapy and autologous bone marrow or stem cell transplant, we have more than doubled the median survival for patients as a whole, and have now a wealth of different biology based treatment approaches for our patients in all disease stages. The purpose of this book is to update the various treatment options for patients with myeloma, as well as to focus on the emerging and speculative aspects of myeloma therapy. This will require review of basic mechanisms of disease as well as further discussions on how these mechanisms can best be targeted. While there will be text covering most areas of myeloma therapy, the prime focus of the book will be the novel agents currently in testing as well as potential future novel targets and agents.4 b' x+ G: ~3 M+ w
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