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发表于 2012-9-26 21:33 |只看该作者
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Abstract Fatty acid synthase is a key synthetic enzyme that catalyzes the NADPH-dependent condensation of malonyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA to produce the 16-carbon saturated free fatty acid palmitate. FAS is downregulated in most normal human tissues, but is often highly expressed in human cancers including human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The differential tissue distribution makes FAS an attractive target for cancer cells. C75, a stably synthetic, small-molecule inhibitor of FAS, has a good effect on antitumor and can induce cell cycle arrests and apoptosis in human tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. C75 is covalently attached to the active-site cystein residue and lies within a hydrophobic pocket at the FAS-dimer interface to result in FAS inhibition. Recent research showed that C75 not only targets the crucial condensation step catalyzed by the β -ketoacyl synthase, but also inactivates the enoyl reductase and thioesterase partial activities of FAS. Liver is a highly lipogenic tissue and exhibits high levels of FAS. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), etiologically associated to hepatitis Β virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C virus (HCV), is one of the most common malignancies in the world. An implication of FAS-associated metabolic stresses in the growth and development of HCC has rarely yet been investigated, particularly much less is known about the correlation between FAS and growth arrest/apoptosis and its related signaling pathways. & o& q# {' Y( f% v& A# W& c# k
      p53 gene, a tumor suppressor gene, has been most cared and well studied for a long time. p53 protein is known as cell cycle checkpoints with other cellular proteins.The cell cycle progress is halted at the checkpoints after stresses by restraining cell cycle transition. To clarify the role of p53 in growth arrests by C75, we use three HCC cell lines with different types of p53: HepG2 (wt-p53), SMMC7721 (mut-p53)and Hep3B (p53 null) cells. Additionally, p38 MAPK mediates tumor growth suppression in many stress responses, though it is unclear whether p38 MAPK is involved in the effect of C75. For these purposes, we made use of C75, preferentially targeting on three HCC cell lines to investigate the possible roles of FAS in hepatic cancer growth, and to understand the potential of anti-metabolic therapy in hepatic cancers. ( t  r+ K8 n& ]4 N( b& f
      First we detected the overexpression level and base activity of FAS in the three HCC cell lines, which are higher in HepG2 than other two HCC cells. FAS activity was rapidly inhibited by C75 at 15 min and more obviously at 30 min in three HCC cells. C75 produced the similar cytotoxic effect using MTT assay and the IC50 value was about 60 μM in HepG2 and SMMC7721 cells and 30 μM in Hep3B cells. Then we analyzed the cell growth suppression effects induced by CD75 using flow cytometry. The results showed that C75 induced G? phase growth arrest time and dose dependently in HepG2 and SMMC7721 cells, while G? phase arrest in Hep3B cells. The dose-effect analysis of C75 at 24 h indicated that the cell number of G?phase was elevated respectively from 12.8% to 24.6% in HepG2 cells and from 13.7 to 32.1% in SMMC7721 cells; the cell number of G? phase was from 37.7% up to 61.4%. However, the little apoptosis was detected within 24h below/at 60 μM C75 treatment. The apoptotic cells increased rapidly after 80 μM C75 treatment, whereas the ratio of growth arrests was declined or almost unchanged. Additionally, the time-effect analysis of 60 μM C75 treatment within 24 h indicated that the growth arrests occurred at the different time points in the HCC cells. The earliest time point is at 6 h in SMMC7721, 12 h in Hep3B and 24 h in HepG2 cells. The growth arrests became the strongest at 24 h. The cell number of G? phase was raised from 7.9% to 17.9% in HepG2 cells and from 18.7% to 43.4% in SMMC7721 cells. That of G?phase was from 45.0% up to 66.6% in Hep3B cells. The growth arrests induced by C75 were dose and time dependently in HCC cells. 6 f1 @" r' v# z; A' S1 T( ~+ @2 b
      Despite different p53 types in HepG2 and SMMC7721 cells, C75 produced the similar cytotoxic effects and yielded the similar induction of G? phase arrest. It suggested that p53 might not be involved in the regulation of cell cycle arrests.Western blot assay showed that the expression of p53 was up-regulated in a time-dependent manner in two HCC cells treated by C75 within 24 h, but that of p-p53 was only elevated at 24 h in HepG2 cells and was not detected in SMMC7721 cells. To further observe the role of p53, we used siRNA to silence p53 gene in HepG2 cells. RNA interference markedly reduced p53 protein level, but did not change cell cycle delay by C75. It approved that p53 might not involve in the regulation of G? arrest aroused by C75. Besides, we investigated the expression levels of cell cycle proteins. Cyclin A and cyclin B1 were decreased time dependently corresponding to G? arrest in HepG2 and SMMC7721 cells. SiRNA targeting p53 did not have effect on the expression of these cell cycle proteins,suggesting that expression of cell cycle proteins varied with the level of growth arrest but not with the status of p53. C75 induced G? phase arrest in p53-deleted Hep3B cells, which further indicated a lack of the correlation of the G? phase growth arrest with p53 in these hepatic cancer cells. Cyclin D1 with close to G? phase progression was declined but cell cycle inhibitory protein p21〓 rose up time dependently.Presumably, these cycle proteins were regulated by other important signal moleculars but independent of p53. At present, it is still unclear whether p53 at a high level in the cellular can induce growth suppression or apoptosis. For this purpose, we thansfected p53 wild-type vectors in Hep3B cells and make p53 and p-p53 overexpression. But no growth arrest and apoptotic death were detected. Therefore,the growth suppression effects by C75 were exactly independent of p53.
+ X1 c. {# F) V8 x# o! `      p38 MAPK is one of three groups of mammalian MAPKs and induces growth arrests in many stress responses. Significantly, we found that C75 stimulated p38 MAPK activation in three HCC cell lines and p-p38 MAPK was elevated from 1.5 h and accumulated in a time-dependent manner. The cell cycle arrests were partly reversed by using SB203580, a special inhibitor of p38 MAPK. Although SB203580 did not affect HCC cell distribution alone, obviously inhibited p38 MAPK activity.This result showed that p38 MAPK partially mediated growth arrests induced by C75.The previous research reported that p38 MAPK may alterating the cell cycle progression by regulating directly or indirectly the transcription or expression of cell cycle proteins. So we observed the expression alteration of cell cycle proteins influenced by SB203580 in three HCC cells. The results revealed that SB203580 partly restored the protein levels of cyclii、cyclinB1、cyclinD1 and p21 comparing with only C75-treated group, indicating that p38 MAPK mediated partly growth arrests by regulating the expression of cell cycle proteins after C75 treatment.
0 P. K: I8 g9 d& o      It has been reported that p53 and p38 MAPK interacts with each other. In our study, after p53 gene silence, the expression of p-p38 MAPK was still raised by C75 in HepG2 cells, which showed that p53 had no effect on the activity of p38 MAPK;The overexpression of p53 and p-p53 were not reversed by pretreatment of SB203580 in HepG2 and SMMC7721 cells. This result revealed that p53 and p38 MAPK might have no interaction with each other. $ H6 C8 G, h( c
      The accumulation of malonyl-CoA, the committed substrate of FAS, not only inhibited carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT-1) activity to decrease the oxidation of fatty acids, but also resulted in tumor cell apoptosis according to the previous research. To investigate the role of malonyl-CoA in cell cycle arrest, we used TOFA,a specific inhibitor of the acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), to reduce the amount of malonyl-CoA. The result showed that TOFA pretreatment did not alter the cell cycle arrest by C75, indicating that high level of malonyl-CoA wasn't the reason of the growth arrests. ' N" j6 `0 i# o' S7 X, V3 E5 r- ^* C
      One of the main reasons of cell cycle arrest is to initiate repair mechanism for DNA damage, which result in cell cycle delay or arrest. We next examined whether significant DNA damage occurred after C75 exposure using comet assay in HepG2 cells. We found that DNA damage was induced at 1.5 h and 3 h but not detected at 6 h when 60 μM C75 was added to the medium. Although growth arrest occurred at 24 h, it is difficult to determine that DNA damage was not related with it. Additionally,it is possible that the perturbation of normal lipid metabolism after FAS inhibited by C75 might be regarded as a metabolic stress to activate p38 MAPK and arouse growth arrests in HCC cells.
' w3 F* E. Y8 H+ W- d) K8 ]      In the summary, C75 not only aroused G? phase arrests in HepG2 and SMMC7721 cells but also G? phase arrests in Hep3B cells. p53 might have little effect on the growth arrests induced by C75 in HCC cells while p38 MAPK played a predominant role via regulating the cell cycle proteins. In addition, we detected DNA damage in the early time after C75 treatment, which is a great difference from the previous study. Thus, the cell cycle arrest might be related with DNA damage or the metabolic disturbance after FAS inhibition, which activated p38 MAPK. The accumulation of malonyl-CoA was of little importance, indicating that effects of FAS inhibitor on cell cycle progression are distinct from those mediating apoptotic cell death. . ^9 H  @: r6 O* r
      Key words: C75; Fatty acid synthase (FAS); anti-tumor; Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); cell cycle arrest; p53; p38 MAPK; cell cycle regulatory protein;DNA damage

Rank: 1

发表于 2012-9-26 21:33 |只看该作者
   中文摘要 脂肪酸合酶(FAS)是脂肪酸生物合成过程中将小分子碳单位聚合成长链脂肪酸的关键酶,在肿瘤组织中高表达,而在正常组织中含量较低,提示FAS 可成为肿瘤治疗的靶点。C75是一种设计合成靶向FAS的小分子化合物,稳定性较强,可以引起细胞生长周期阻滞和凋亡,体内外实验均有良好的抗肿瘤作用。C75与β-酮脂酰聚合酶末端丝氨酸上的巯基结合,形成羟基内酰氨环而使FAS失活,最近研究表明C75还可以抑制FAS中的烯酰还原酶和硫脂酶的活性。肝脏是人体合成脂肪酸的主要场所,FAS表达量较高,肝癌是世界上最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,但与FAS相关的代谢性应激反应事件与肝癌的发生发展之间的关系至今仍不清楚。此外,FAS及其相关信号通路与FAS抑制导致的肿瘤细胞生长抑制和凋亡之间的相互关系仍然知之甚少。
- E5 W8 P# ~2 n4 X       p53基因是一个最受关注和深入研究的肿瘤抑制基因,是G?/S和G?/M期的检查点,在细胞内外遇到特殊情况时细胞周期进程在这些检查点被阻止,避免遗传异常的子细胞形成。为了阐明p53是否参与调节C75引发的周期阻滞效应,我们选择三株p53不同表现型的肝癌细胞株:HepG2(p53野生型),SMMC7721(p53突变型)和Hep3B细胞(p53缺失型)进行研究。此外,文献报道有丝分裂原活化的蛋白激酶(p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases,p38 MAPK)在很多应激反应特别是抗肿瘤药物作用过程中介导了肿瘤细胞的周期阻滞和凋亡,是否参与FAS抑制剂的作用至今尚无报道。因此,本论文目的在于使用FAS抑制剂C75,作用于三株p53不同表现型的肝癌细胞,研究其对细胞生长的抑制效应,以及信号分子p53和p38 MAPK在其中的调控作用,为肝癌的抗代谢治疗提供理论依据。 2 m! ]8 T! U8 p; S
       本研究首先检测了三株肝癌细胞中FAS的表达以及FAS的酶活性,HepG2 细胞中FAS的表达和酶活性最高,高于SMMC7721和Hep3B细胞。C75可以迅速抑制三株细胞中FAS的活性,作用15分钟时FAS活性即有所抑制,30分钟时抑制作用更加明显。并且,C75对三株细胞可以产生相近的细胞毒效应,HepG2和SMMC7721细胞IC??值为60μM左右,Hep3B细胞为30μM左右。然后,我们检测了C75对三株人肝癌细胞株的细胞周期阻滞效应,结果显示,C75诱导HepG2和SMMC7721细胞G?期周期阻滞,而Hep3B细胞发生G?期周期阻滞。选择不同浓度C75进行量效学观察表明,在HepG2和SMMC7721 细胞中,60μM C75作用24小时,G?期细胞数量分别由12.8%和13.7%增加到24.6%和32.1%;在Hep3B细胞中,G?期细胞数量从37.7%增加到61.4%,阻滞效应具有浓度依赖性。60μM以下浓度的C75诱导细胞周期阻滞效应最强,但凋亡发生率很低;但80 μM C75细胞凋亡数量明显增加。另外,60μM C75 在24小时内作用的时效学研究表明,周期阻滞最早发生的时间三株细胞各不相同,分别为6小时(SMMC7721细胞)、12小时(Hep3B细胞)和24小时(HepG2 细胞),24小时的阻滞效应最强。在HepG2和SMMC7721细胞中,G?期细胞数量分别从7.9%和18.7%增加到17.9%和43.4%;在Hep3B细胞中,G?期细胞数量从45.0%增加到66.6%,阻滞效应具有时间依赖性。
; h0 V, X6 F/ x$ H& k       C75可以引起HepG2和SMMC7721细胞发生G?期阻滞,而这两株细胞p53 表现型不同,提示p53可能并未参与上述周期效应的调节。Western blot方法检测发现C75作用24小时,引起两株肝癌细胞p53时间依赖性表达上调;磷酸化p53(p-p53)在HepG2细胞中24小时明显升高,但在SMMC7721细胞却未检测到。为了进一步明确p53的功能,采用RNA干扰技术,将HepG2细胞中的p53基因沉默,结果显示,C75诱导的G?期阻滞未发生改变,证实了p53并未参与调节C75诱导的细胞周期G?期阻滞效应。另外,我们检测了与G?/M期转换和有丝分裂期正常进行密切相关的细胞周期蛋白cyclinA和cyclinB1,两株细胞发生G?期阻滞时,二者蛋白水平时间依赖性下调,24小时水平最低。p53基因沉默后,细胞周期蛋白水平并未受影响,说明cyclinA和cyclinB1的表达随细胞周期阻滞程度的改变而改变,却与p53的状态变化无相关性。在p53缺失的Hep3B细胞中,C75引发G?期阻滞,进一步说明p53也不参与调节C75的G?期阻滞效应。同时,G?期推进所必需的cyclinD1表达下调,而细胞周期抑制蛋白p21时间依赖性表达增强,说明这些细胞周期调节蛋白可能被其它重要的信号分子调节而非p53。进一步在Hep3B细胞(p53缺失)中转染野生型p53 表达质粒,使p53高表达,p-p53表达也升高,但实验结果发现p53高表达并不能引发细胞周期阻滞和凋亡。以上结果充分证明FAS抑制剂C75引发的周期阻滞是p53非依赖的。
% e$ h/ w3 a1 D, `& l       p38 MAPK是有丝分裂原激活的蛋白激酶家族成员之一,通常在细胞应激反应中被激活。本实验中,我们发现三株肝癌细胞中C75均可以引起p38 MAPK 的激活,其磷酸化形式(p-p38 MAPK)在C75作用1.5小时即升高,并时间依赖性上调。使用p38 MAPK特异性抑制剂SB203580,可以部分逆转C75的细胞周期阻滞作用。SB203580单独作用于肝癌细胞并不影响细胞周期进展,却能够较明显地抑制p38 MAPK的活性。该结果提示p38 MAPK部分介导了C75的周期效应。据文献报道,p38 MAPK可以直接或间接调节细胞周期蛋白的转录或表达水平,影响细胞周期进展。因此,在三株肝癌细胞中,我们检测了细胞周期调节蛋白水平受SB203580的影响情况。结果显示,SB203580预处理后,较单独C75处理组而言,cyclinA、cyclinB1、cyclinD1和p21蛋白水平出现一定程度的恢复。说明p38 MAPK通过调节相应的细胞周期蛋白,部分介导了C75 的周期效应。 - q. ]$ O6 |+ ?9 Q3 p
       已有文献证实p53和p38 MAPK可以相互作用。但本研究发现,在HepG2 细胞中,p53基因沉默后再向HepG2细胞中加入C75,p-p38 MAPK表达水平与单独C75处理组一致,表明p53并不影响p38 MAPK的活性;而在HepG2 和SMMC7721细胞中,p-p38 MAPK活性被抑制后,p-p53的表达水平也不受影响。但在C75诱导的细胞增殖抑制效应中,它们之间确切的相互关系仍需详细探讨。
) D% c3 J3 M6 I5 c4 A       为了了解C75引起细胞周期阻滞的可能原因,我们进一步检测了其它可能指标。因为FAS抑制后其底物丙二酰CoA集聚,高浓度的丙二酰CoA不仅可以抑制肉碱脂酰转移酶-1(CPT-1),抑制脂肪酸的氧化,还可引起肿瘤细胞凋亡。在SMMC7721细胞中,我们使用乙酰CoA羧化酶抑制剂TOFA,抑制丙二酰CoA的生成,发现C75仍然可以引起细胞周期阻滞,阻滞程度与单独C75 处理组一致,说明本研究中C75的效应不受丙二酰CoA的集聚所影响。另外,引起细胞发生周期阻滞的一个主要原因是DNA损伤。我们在HepG2细胞中,用Comet法分析C75是否可引起DNA损伤。结果显示,40μM C75在6小时内未发现DNA损伤;而60μM C75作用1.5和3小时出现DNA损伤,但6小时未检测到损伤,周期阻滞24小时才出现,推测此周期阻滞现象可能因DNA 损伤所导致,也可能是FAS抑制引发的代谢紊乱作为代谢性应激反应激活p38 MAPK,间接介导了C75的周期效应。 8 h$ o6 {* V9 _$ q% j8 _( `9 P& E2 z
       总之,C75不仅可以引起p53野生和突变的肝癌细胞HepG2和SMMC7721 发生G?期周期阻滞,还可以引起p53缺失的Hep3B细胞发生G?期阻滞;G?与G?期阻滞效应均不受p53调节,而部分由p38 MAPK通过调节相应的周期蛋白表达水平所介导。另外,与以往研究不同的是,我们在C75作用早期检测到DNA损伤,所以,周期阻滞可能与DNA损伤有关,也可能是FAS抑制后引发代谢紊乱使p38 MAPK活性增强所致。与介导细胞凋亡机制不同的是,C75引发的周期效应并非FAS底物丙二酰CoA的毒性作用所造成。 8 H! \6 J$ g9 Q2 W3 K+ N
       关键词:C75;脂肪酸合酶;抗肿瘤;肝癌细胞;周期阻滞;p53;p38 MAPK;细胞周期蛋白;DNA损伤

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-11-9 23:56 |只看该作者
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